scared of losing all the time.

May 02, 2009 02:33

School is almost over! I am so pleased. I just have a Chinese paper to write and a History and Astronomy final. ♥ I'm especially excited because I'm being allowed to go and visit Nick; I don't care if he can't take time off for me, I just want to see him and play video games with him at night and watch stupid things with him~

Speaking of video games and stupid things, I was listening to The Best Video Game Music and The Best Battle Music (sorry~ lost the link for that one) while I was busy writing papers. It brought back so many memoriessss. While other kids watched TV or had a babysitter, I had my brother, who I would watch all day play video games. I don't know why. It was the most fascinating thing for me. I remember each game so well. ♥ I want to go back and play them now! Especially Skies of Arcadia, that was my favorite game. I mean, come on, sky pirates? Yeah, sky pirates were cool in FFXII, but SoA was as cool as you could get. They set the trend.

They came out with a version for the GC, which I guess I could get, but I heard the sound quality is awful... one of the best qualities of the game was the music, though. Especially airship battles ♥ Plus the feeling of a Dreamcast controller :( I want Nick to give it back!

Ohhh, what else was on the list?

Chrono Cross! I used to turn this on when Nick was away and get items he missed. We were so excited when the game was first announced, we always played Chrono Trigger over and over again. (I recently got it for DS. He turned to me while I was playing and asked if I knew what I was doing. "Of course I know! I've seen you beat this at least ten times!")

AND Legend of Mana!!! We rented this one. I beat it one day when I was home sick, from start to finish, without saving because our memory was full ;_; I was like nine, lmao. That's when I became something to be feared in video games hahaha.

And the Breath of Fire games and Grandia and and and...

OKAY, SORRY LJ, but I wanted to reminisce a little.

college, childhood!, video games, brother where art thou?

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