
Jun 01, 2010 23:40

First: Guilty Pleasure by Cobra Starship and About A Girl by The Academy Is... will be the end of me. My family hasn't started hating them yet, but I guess that's because I haven't been playing them totally nonstop.

Anyway! I write a lot. Here, let me show you with a meme: Post a single sentence from each WIP you have (or as many as you want to pick). No context, no explanations. No more than one sentence! (stolen from 1st-eggokage)

This is just the stuff I moved over to this half of the computer. There's also, off the top of my head, a KH AU where Roxas is Sora undercover hiding from the mafia, one where Roxas is an accidental horror movie star, one where Roxas hates the color orange and an original story based on awkward water metaphors, one about kids in an insane asylum, one about unmarked bathrooms and a bunch of other stuff I probably don't remember. :D

1. (Those times ranged anywhere from “Hey.” to “Dude, your hat is totally wild.” to “You really shouldn't go dancing around in the hallways when you think nobody's watching.”)

2. Ryan's lips are curved into a wicked smile and there is something about the situation that gives Chad a terrible sense of deja vu-but he can't place his finger on what is making him feel that way. He shakes it off and gives Ryan a grin.

3. He's a smug bastard who is rumored to have slept with half the cheerleading team and changes girlfriends almost as often as he changes hats-Troy Bolton may be the top dog everyone blurts out first, but they all know that even Troy Bolton reports to Ryan Evans.

4. Talking about Ryan is a good place to start this stupid story.

5. This may be because Chad loves Troy more than anything, but whatever the case Chad has a hard time dealing with Troy when he's upset.

6. Panning back over to Zeke, Jason sees him peering into the slot where the food goes, trying to determine how the damned thing works.

7. It takes a second for Chad to realize that a) Ryan Evans keeps his porn in a hatbox, b) Ryan Evans had porn in the first place and c) Ryan Evans seemed wholly unconcerned with his stash of porn being found.

8. There is dirt all over her new white skirt, she has just lost, her hair is a mess and she's probably going to get a sunburn but Ciara's question makes her push all her other thoughts aside and just smirk.

9. Besides, some part of me doubts that Helen was as blindly naïve as Troy-but that could just be the optimist in me.

10. It went so fast and haphazardly that when his album came out and they had started touring and doing big shows-like the kind of big show he had really only dreamed about before-Ryan had a bit of vertigo and a whole lot of disbelief.

11. None of that is the point though. The point is that Ryan had mostly sworn off jocks and Zeke was a jock.

12. He hates when Kelsi is right (or maybe he only hates that she won't let him kill Rocketman) so he makes a noise that sounds horrifically like Sharpay and storms off to plan Rocketman's demise.

13. For half a second, Ryan is thankful to Rocketman and then he remembers how annoying the kid is and forgets he ever thought that.

14. That's at least the fourth time Ryan has said Chad owes him something-Chad has been counting.

15. Ryan is about perfection and Chad can hardly remember the lines he's supposed to be saying when Ryan watches them quietly, because he kind of looks like what Chad has always thought Adonis would look like.

16. The only reason she remembered the cashier's first name was because she had a younger cousin named Chad and that had struck her as a funny kind of coincidence.

Glitter Herpes 'verse:
1. There's a somewhat hilarious version of Gabe, William, Travis, and Ryan, totally drunk, singing “Bring It!” where they were all singing the wrong parts-Gabe had decided he was clearly a hot girl, Ryan had claimed he was at least twice as pretty as William, William had insisted he could totally rap and Travis had shrugged and said that okay, sure he could be Gabe.

2. The guy is wearing giant sunglasses, a newsboy cap, an almost-hideous, pale pink-green paisley button-down shirt with a vest over it and skinny jeans.

3. It's been a year since Ryan graduated and got a degree in dance from Juilliard and all he's really done since then is be in every video the Decaydance label has put out and record some backing vocals plus a couple piano tracks and one guitar track.

4. "If you introduce me as 'baby Evans' I am going to knee you in the balls when we get off stage."

1. Riku was the Prince of Abovesea-which Roxas only really knew because Sora never shut up about Riku and how much he wanted to go Abovesea because it was so much better and nicer and on and on and on because Sora really just did not stop talking.

2. Roxas, as per usual, rolled his eyes and sucked more cola out of the bottle before picking up his burger and tearing a piece off.

3. A bounce, “I made twenty bucks off this adorable blond kid today!”

1. It was about a day until his nineteenth birthday and at the moment he didn't even care because the living dead were ambling behind him and he was stumbling through the city trying to find someplace to hole himself up but so far there hadn't been anything useful and oh god he was going to die and he couldn't even drink yet.

2. This is a whole different animal-there is loud, throbbing techno playing on a stereo, an endless sea of boys in sparkly eye makeup and girls in actually fashionable clothing, all manner of alcohol, and a almost terrifying amount of boys kissing boys or girls kissing girls.

3. Mew had been there already and they hadn't recognized each other at first, Rhyme's hair somewhat longer and matted and Mew's a veritable creature unto itself, but after a few moments Rhyme had spoken.

4. On a emotional level, Waspinator was failing to understand Metabee's words.

1. When you look to the stars in LA, it is inherently different from looking to the stars in most other places because the bright, halogen lights obliterate anything that might ever resemble something like night sky.

2. To him, it quite felt like he was constantly drinking pan-galactic-gargle-blasters-which anyone could tell you is not a pleasant thing, nor is it good for the digestive system.

3. Anthony delivers an uppercut to my pixellated avatar with some creative button mashing.

4. “He's been a-travelin' with us for a while now,” Lawrence adds, “and he's a terribly boring person, Inwood is.”

5. So there can always be twelve or thirteen beginnings to a story because stories never truly start or end-but let's pretend they can for right now.

1. She really wondered how the heck Penny managed not to notice that the same Billy she talked to was really Dr. Horrible-especially since his picture was all over the place and he had that stupid video blog.

2. Besides, it wasn't like he'd have time to build Pip a birdhouse anyways-apparently he was meant to be teaching bratty teenagers (the irony of that statement was lost on him) how to sing and dance or something.

verse: glitter herpes, !meme, !fic, fandom: high school musical, !fiction, fandom: kingdom hearts

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