Everyone in Mystic Falls has emergency costumes in their closet.
Or at least they wear historical clothes often enough that I can make a picspam about it, which is pretty much the same thing. Let's start with the 50s Decade Dance in episode 12, Unpleasantville.
Not so weird, right? I mean, Elena clearly doesn't know what the 50s were like and Stefan hasn't bothered to correct her, but overall it's a pretty typical school dance. Everyone's just channeling Grease.
Seriously. I'm surprised that Jenna and Alaric didn't join a dance-off or something. Also note the poodle skirts.
On the plus side, Caroline and Bonnie both look really awesome in their historical garb. I think Caroline's costume is definitely the most accurate here, which makes sense because Caroline is the one who's very gung-ho about school spirit and stuff.
Stefan and Elena are actually pretty cute in this episode. Also Elena's hair looks really good.
I don't know who these extra are, but they're super-cute too. Also I really dig the green bow in the background girl's hair.
I'm not really sure why the gym has a disco ball (it's a permanent fixture, as far as I can tell), but that's pretty cool if a little out of place. Also the records hanging from the ceiling are weird.
Okay, what is it with all the extras wearing more period-accurate clothes than Elena? And seriously, everyone must just have this stuff lying around because Mystic Falls doesn't seem that big and I doubt that a costume shop would have that many letterman jackets lying around.
On the plus side, not everyone in Mystic Falls dresses up all the time for these things. I was going to say "not everyone in Mystic Falls has emergency costumes," but Jeremy dresses up in later episodes. In fact, he dresses up in the next episode I'm going to talk about. Episode 22, Founder's Day, has a "Miss Mystic Falls" float and I guess some soldiers or something - look, I don't even know, I just know that there's a lot of people dressed up in historical garb in this episode.
The episode starts out with these isolated shots of bodies getting ready, and it's framed to seem like one of the flashbacks to 1864 (Vampire Diaries and its love of flashbacks is another picspam, I think) but revealed to be taking place in the present.
The juxtoposition of present and past in this episode is really interesting, actually. Like, in these images Stefan and Elena are clearly out of place and channeling another time period while most of the other people around them are not. This comes into play more clearly later in the episode, I think, when Katherine shows up.
See? Jeremy's all dressed up. He doesn't even like dressing up and he owns a confederate soldier outfit, so I think it's safe to say that everyone in Mystic Falls just has emergency costumes. Also he and Anna are really cute and I'm bitter that Anna died. :|
Caroline is just pretty no matter what she's wearing, I think. Like, I seriously love her outfit here. It's so bright and sunny - just like her!
(Sidebar: that second image is basically the only onscreen interaction Bonnie and Tyler have ever had. He says "here, I can take it" and Bonnie hands over the camera. Vampire Diaries is EXCELLENT at showing character relationships between unimportant tertiary characters.)
Look at how cute these two are together! Also Jeremy's uniform is like. Stained and realistic or something. It's awesome, especially in contrast to the cheerleader hanging out in the background.
I know that sometimes people have Victorian gowns in their closet, but those people tend to be in the minority in most cities. Here in Mystic Falls, every girl has a historical replica gown!
Every girl also apparently just has boxes of costume pieces. Like, I'm not even joking.
Here's Elena getting ready for the 60s Decade Dance in episode 40, The Last Dance. She says that she has boxes of costume stuff because her mom was really into it. I assume that's the case for most people in Mystic Falls, really.
The people in Mystic Falls really like their parties. Seriously, there's so many parties in Vampire Diaries that it's kind of crazy.
At least Elena is more accurate than she was at the 50s Decade Dance. Look, girls didn't really wear pants/pant-like garments with any real regularity until the 1970s. They started wearing them in the late 19th century, sure, but women like Marlene Dietrich and Katharine Hepburn were considered kind of weird for wearing trousers so often. And that's your fashion lesson of the day.
I like the hippie van. It adds a nice touch to the atmosphere of the dance. Also check out the rad wigs and the Sgt. Pepper jacket the one guy's got on. Also I think that other guy is wearing a poncho and a sombrero. I guess he wandered in from the fiesta next door?
This girl is important to the plot of this episode, but really I just want you to look at her terrible dress. Crochet is awesome, okay? But no one should ever wear a crocheted dress that looks like those granny blankets.
Oh, here's a close-up of the pattern on Elena's dress and her earrings. The earrings are cool, but the dress should probably be burned. I'm inclined to agree with Klaus and say that there's not really anything good about the 60s.
The 60s made paisley popular again, and I don't know if it can be forgiven for that. At least Jeremy's shirt isn't terrible puked paisley, I guess.
Again: Caroline is clearly the most stylish person at the dance. She looks really awesome channeling Jackie O. Also check out the girl in the first image that showed up in her hair curlers. That's either hilarious or terrible and I can't decide which.
I think that guy in the front's shirt used to be a quilt.
By the way, I wasn't kidding when I said that the disco ball appears to be a permanent fixture in the Mystic Fall's gym. There's no reason for it to be there otherwise.
The girl in the crocheted sweater-thing is doing better than the girl in the pink monstrosity from earlier. It's still kind of granny-blanket, though. Also I like how they have the requisite group of African-American women. Can't have a 60s Decade Dance without a Dreamgirls reference!
Anyway, I leave you with this image of Damon dancing with some underage girls in wigs:
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