YKINMKBYKIPSOTQ [1/2] 54 Fabric Patterns

Jun 14, 2012 17:43

This is the first of two posts about my stupid quilt, because there's kind of two separate components to the quilt. The first, which is what this post is all about, is the patterns that the quilt is composed of (and where most of the kinks come into play).

There's a thumbnail of each pattern (and there's 54 of those, but 55 images) under the cut in rows of 4. If you click on any of the thumbnails, it'll give you the larger version of the pattern. Underneath the patterns, the actual titles of the patterns are listed next to their numbers along with the kinks on the pattern and a little information about it. The title of the pattern leads to an image showing the pattern in repeat.


1, Any Hypnosis is Sexy Hypnosis: hypnosis/mind control pattern! Obviously this leans toward the hypnosis side and is not at all accurate. It kind of makes me dizzy, though.

2, Are you sure it's not just narcolepsy?: sleepy/unconscious pattern! I kind of wanted a pattern reminiscent of pajamas to help tie into the sleep part, so I settled on a star and moon accents with one main image: the Prince watching Sleeping Beauty. There's a little bit of gender play going on here too, with the Prince being pink and purple and the princess being green. (For all you know, since most of the Prince is covered by a cape, it could be a girl!)

3, As Punishment for Your Behavior: spanking/paddling pattern! I spent a lot of time looking at spanking/paddling photos, trying to find a position I could vector that had two full figures, and I found out that no one cares about composition in porn so I had to imagine some of the parts up. There's a hint of penance/punishment here too, given that the one figure is scolding the other.

4, Blowjobs are Not Hardcore Kink, Google: bondage (other), genital torture, painplay and nippleplay all on one pattern! I suspect the title requires a little explaining, though. If you search "hardcore kink" on Google with SafeSearch off (I was doing some strange Google searches for this project), you get a lot of blowjobs. And so I think I ended up tweeting "blowjobs are not hardcore kink, google" and by the time I made this pattern it was late and I didn't want to title it. So that became the title. For the curious, that strange gray device is a choke pear/pear of anguish. They're really pretty, and really painful.


5, Buttplugs, Dildos, and Handcuffs - oh my!: sex toys (non-penetrating) and bondage (wrist/ankle restraints) pattern! Well, they're non-penetrating here, at least. It's probably kind of weird to just be like "I have this buttplug vector for reasons so I'll just put that on the border of the quilt. Yup." This was the first pattern I made, though!

6, Calling Sexy Nurse!: medical kink, blades, and roleplay (and hinting at injuries!) on this pattern! I'm really fond of this pattern, but I think it's easier to tell that it was one of the first ones I made.

7, C'est ne pas un dildo gun.: gun pattern! Originally this was going to be a pattern of actual guns, but then I decided that I'm actually too attracted to guns to turn them into silhouettes and too lazy to vector all the fiddly bits, so dildo guns it became. To which my roommate said "are you making dildo gun triskelions?" and I said "C'est ne pas un dildo gun."

8, Confession: penance/punishment pattern! This is going to sound really strange, or maybe not because I am the person who was crazy enough to make this quilt in the first place, but this pattern is essentially a confession of my own. About halfway through it occurred to me that my classmates had to critique the quilt and I was like ". . . oops." So instead of anything normal, I just put my apology on the quilt itself.


9, Corsets generally don't make you faint, but it's a good gag.: breathplay (and some dress-up!) on this pattern! I just really like corsets, but I wanted the breathplay aspect (which is actually my favorite part about corsets) to come across, so I borrowed some lines from Pirates of the Caribbean-which probably explains the title nicely.

10, Custom Penises Are Great Okay?: pegging/strap-ons, sex toys (worn under clothing), and a little dirty talk on this pattern! Do you know how hard it is to make a strap-on look reasonable when it's not on a person? Or to think of a way to illustrate sexy toys worn under clothing without a ton of detail? As I generally do, I fell back onto words. Each of the patterns, I think, is a little like a short story. This one is about someone wearing a strap-on in their pants, titled after something I said to the roommate's boyfriend when he asked me why I spend so much time looking up dildos.

11, Dean/Impala OTP: vehicular pattern! When it came time to make the vehicular pattern, I essentially narrowed it down to Dean or Kirk instantly, but Star Trek comes up on the uniforms pattern so I went with Dean and his Impala. The text is supposed to make, like, movement whooshes. It seemed more clever at the time.

12, Domgirls (light blue): suspension, masters/doms/slaves/subs, whipping/flogging, exhibitionism, exposure, and probably some other stuff idek on this pattern. If you're wondering, the center square has this pattern in both blue and orange-although they're actually not quite the same pattern and Domgirls (orange cream) only exists in that hexagonal square and wasn't actually a pattern. I just stuck the same shapes in the hexagon.


13, fill you up: enemas pattern with a little medical kink thrown in! Googling "enema illustration" gives you some really interesting vintage-y illustrations. I highly recommend it, but probably don't do it at work.

14, Freckled Friend (blemish): bodies and body parts pattern! Well, mostly it's a freckled skin pattern because I really like freckles. There's two versions of it: the one with the blemish/splotch and the one without, because the splotch looks really funny when you repeat it but it also looks a little strange without it.

15, Freckled Friend (no blemish): Same pattern as above, only without the splotch. This is the pattern that's mostly used on the quilt.

16, Geared for You: mechanical/technological pattern! If this pattern doesn't precisely look like it was made for this quilt, that's because it wasn't. I used it anyway, because I needed a relatively small pattern (I believe the actual pattern is 3" by 3" instead of 4" by 4") and I like gears. Gears are awesome.


17, Girl, look at that body!: exhibition, exposure, with a little technological/mechanical kink for good measure on this pattern! So there's this song you might know called Sexy and I Know It by a band called LMFAO. The binary on the pattern is some of the lyrics from the song and this remains my favorite square on the quilt besides the QR code (although they're actually a paired set of squares). It looks really dumb when you repeat it because it's not meant to repeat.

18, Gotta Know the Girl Behind the Mask: anonymity with bonus dress-up pattern! Everybody loves the Backstreet Boys, right? Because I sure do, and you pair that with masquerades and I am a happy Reili. There's also a bonus Batman mask on this pattern because I do what I want.

19, How do you Solve a Problem like The Last Unicorn?: virginity/celibacy pattern with a little dress-up! Did I just want in excuse to put unicorns on my quilt? Fuck yes. I also don't know how celibate those nuns are, considering some of them are wearing heels and showing some leg! Seems like a lot of my patterns are of people dressing up. Oh! Also, the unicorn with the rounded nose has a name. He's Gareth the Bloodthirsty. :)

20, I got some wood for you.: This may by the only pattern on the quilt that isn't inherently kinky. It's part of the whip and the honey dipper, but it doesn't really signify anything on its own. It also isn't meant to repeat, so it does that badly.


21, I guess a gangbang would involve a lot of come.: gangbang, bodily secretions, and held down pattern! When I was thinking of ways to visually depict a gangbang, I just decided I would make a rainbow of people fucking one figure. And then the pattern looked really spare, so I put buckets of come on it and it was infinitely improved, clearly.

22, I guess it's A Jesus Thing.: foot/shoe fetish with a considerable amount of worship on this pattern! It leans heavily toward the "shoe" side, because I really like shoes and they're easy to vector. Also holy crap do you know how hard it is to find a foot worship photo where the full bodies of everyone involved are in frame? I ended up looking at, like, Yu-Gi-Oh GX porn to find what I wanted.

23, I Like a Girl in Uniform (Any Uniform): uniforms/military fetish pattern! The uniforms involved are, if you can't tell: the Black Parade Jacket, original Star Trek minidress, Cheerios uniform, and the Lucky Star uniform. The Cheerios uniform was a BITCH to vector, but everything else was pretty fun and easy.

24, I want those Sandbox Days.: ageplay, plushie/furry and tickling pattern! Because I really couldn't do an entire quilt without a HSM reference, the wavy black text on this pattern is from HSM1. Also I should probably feel worse about eroticizing Elmo than I actually do, but Elmo kind of did it to himself first.


25, I will show the world what's inside my Heart.: mirrors pattern! This pattern looks kind of strange without the mirror and the mirror beads on it. Yes, there is a real, functional mirror sewn on the quilt. Also the pattern doesn't repeat, but you probably figured that out.

26, Is it wrestling or ballroom dancing?: wrestling/grinding pattern! I kind of finished the vectors for this one and stared at them because, like. Sometimes you can't tell if the wrestling clipart is of wrestling or ballroom dancing. You get to decide what these guys are really doing for yourself.

27, It's an Everlast!: chastity devices pattern! For clarification: that's a purity ring on the pattern. Because I was listening to the Jonas Brothers and I tend to think some things are funny without a lot of provocation. There's also, obviously, a facsimile of Maid Marian's chastity belt from Robin Hood Men in Tights.

28, It's like a bird threw up and Cruella is like 'whatcha gonna do about it?': silks/velvet/feathers/furs pattern! The pattern is named such because when you've been making fabric patterns for three days straight on very little sleep, you start naming patterns whatever the fuck you first think of. Or after what you said when you finished the pattern, which is the case here.


29, It's Tough to be A Dog: collars, confined/caged, and animal play all up on this pattern! I think I ended up vectoring some Hetalia fanart because they have dog paw high heels on and I am really enamored of them, then going "but if I had a puppy he'd have a cage and collar too" and then adding those in. So this is my imaginary puppy, Keith.

30, Keep going 'til you hit the spot.: fucking machines and bondage (wrist/ankle restraints) pattern! I really love the look of this cunnilingus robot, but I felt like that was a really unrecognizable image, so I put someone on a Sybian on there too and everything was awesome.

31, Lollipop (Don't You Stop): oral fixation pattern! This pattern only appears on the lip appliqué on the quilt and this song is permanently associated with situational humilation for me, which. Okay, so my English teacher in 9th grade was really into R&B/rap, and he used to sit in his room during lunch and listen to Candy Shop. And finally a couple of students kind of went "um, Mr. Chapman? you know it's a song about fellatio, right?" and he apparently had never listened to the lyrics that closely. I didn't know people could turn that red.

32, Madman with a Big Blue Box: historical roleplay kink pattern! Companions of the Doctor don't generally dress up in clothes of the period (because of budget, I assume), but if I were a Companion I definitely would. So this is a pattern about traveling through time and dressing up.


33, Mawwage: vanilla kink with a dash of gender play on this pattern! Wedding cakes and wedding rings and kissing! It's everything in the storybooks only the dude is pink and the girl is blue because girls used to be blue (Virgin Mary's color!) and also I just like subtle messing with things like that.

34, Nikola Tesla, I Wish You'd Invent A: electricity pattern! I really like violet wands, so I kind of just went "I am going to make a violet wand pattern" and then I did. The pattern's name is actually from the song Nikola Tesla by #8in8, which is an awesome song by an awesome collective of people so check it out.

35, Now with 100% less Edward!: body alteration/injury and danger on this pattern! People who just have wolf vectors lying around on their computer: Reili. People who would actually read Twilight and like it better if it was Bella/Jacob: Reili. So I took the Edward out of this pattern! Ta-da, problem solved. (All the text is Jacob-lines from the Twilight series.)

36, Octopussy: tentacles pattern! This pattern actually isn't ON the physical quilt because it didn't print for some reason but it's on the proof! It's on the proof and it makes me laugh, because there's octopuses all over the tentacle. The octopus is also a stock vector from the yo-ho sebastian (gay pirates) pattern. I really like octopuses.


37, Please, sir.: orgasm denial and begging with a little masters/slaves/subs/doms on this pattern! I think I made this when I was really sick of vectoring, because I literally don't remember writing this.

38, Protect yourself!: leather/latex/rubber on this pattern! The glove is supposed to be a fisting glove. In yellow. I want a fisting glove in bright yellow, okay? As for the condoms, I kind of sat there and was like "everyone writes barebacking stories but I don't understand wouldn't at least ONE person have to be really into fucking with condoms?" And so I decided that I will write that story, but in the meantime I put a bunch of condoms on my quilt.

39, QR Code: mechanical/technological kink at its finest on this pattern, with a dash of pervertibles going on! My favorite part about the quilt is actually scanning the stupid QR code and giggling. Why? Because if you scan the code it displays the text "I'm sexy and I know it." This may or may not be as funny to you as it is to me, but seeing as this is legitimately my favorite square on the entire quilt? It's safe to say that I kind of love QR codes and I love the way that being without a way to scan them feels like denial, but scanning them is like that breath of anticipation before the first spank. Probably I am one of the few people that thinks QR codes are sexy.

40, Raw Eggplant: consent play, sensory deprivation, slapping/smacking, wet/messy/dirty, possesion/marking, gender play and subspace/headspace all on this one pattern! This is kind of like a dialogue-only Aubergines. fic about Chris and Taylor down the line when they've spent more time together and Chris has finally ferreted out that Taylor really likes being pretty.


41, She's a Killer Queen: double penetration and prostitution/sex work on this pattern! That is what the song "Killer Queen" is about, after all. I don't know why disembodied cocks are fucking her, but mostly I was just too lazy to vector the rest of the dudes.

42, Sticks and Stones: humiliation (verbal) on this pattern! This might be the most fandom-heavy pattern, because there's Repo! the Genetic Opera, The Social Network, BBC Sherlock, Glee, Suits, and what looks kind of like Merlin but probably isn't an actual line from the show.

43, Stuffed Eggplant: fisting and a little prostitution/sex work for flavor on this pattern. This is a bunch of Chris' lines from Aubergines. stuff I've written. Chris ends up fisting a lot of people because . . . I dunno, I thought that was a good character trait or something. Anyway, she says things during those fisting scenes! And they're on this pattern!

44, The Things I Fear Keep Me Up At Night: caning, authority figures, and emotion play on this pattern! I think this is the pattern that makes the least sense unless you know me. Like, butterflies and caning? What the hell do those have to do with each other? The key here, though, is that the pattern is made up of things I'm afraid of. I'm seriously afraid of butterflies and moths, to the point where they occasionally cause me panic attacks, and I'm afraid of being a disappointment and needing punishment. It's not necessarily caning, the punishment, but since I most frequently worry about school it seemed like an appropriate visual representation.


45, The Jeeves of his Time: service with a little dress-up and domestic/tradesman kink on this pattern! I mean, butlers and maids and teapots-oh my! The maid is very obviously a ~sexy French maid~ rather than an actual maid, though. You know, I almost accepted a hundred bucks to dress up in a maid costume and clean up someone's dorm room once. I didn't accept less because it was skeevy and more because you had to provide the maid costume and I was too lazy to make one.

46, The Only Boy I'd Anything: gender play and crossdressing pattern! This is, I think, my favorite pattern on the quilt. It's based off Andrew in Drag by The Magnetic Fields, and takes its visual markers (and title) from the official video. I really like the song, and I thought of it immediately when I was trying to work out what patterns to make.

47, They silenced me and they will silence you.: silence, piercings/needleplay, and gags on this pattern! That's actually me on the pattern, based on this picture. The lips are from that really strange Christina Aguilera ad about voting, along with Ursula's shell from The Little Mermaid.

48, This is why safewords are important.: watersports and humiliation (situational) on this pattern! The text on this pattern is basically a transcript of the first couple minutes of Piss (which is a super-cute short about watersports). I think I took the title from a comment on the video.


49, Watching Youtube from the Closet: voyeurism with a little bodies and body parts going on in this pattern! The title is, essentially, a mondegreened of the line "watching you two from the closet" from Sugar, We're Going Down. Because Patrick Stump can't enunciate and I occasionally have really bad hearing.

50, Well, I think you're hot stuff.: temperature play, a little painplay, and some food+pervertibles going on in this pattern! Essentially it's an excuse for figging. Not that I really need an excuse for figging.

51, What are you wearing?: dirty talk, waxplay, bites/bruises, writing on the body, begging, bondage (other), and probably some other shit too on this pattern! This is the pattern for the phone appliqué on the quilt, and it's basically just me typing a bunch of dirty talk up in different fonts.

52, You are Tasty and Great.: scars/scarification and bites/bruises on this pattern! This pattern kind of has the same problem as I will show the world what's inside my Heart. in that there's actually a corset piercing sewn onto the physical quilt that isn't on the proof. Also the scar is done in embroidery thread, so it has some real dimension to it.


53, You Are What You Eat: drugs/aphrodisiacs and food on this pattern! Every food item on this pattern is an aphrodisiac somehow (the ice cream is strawberry flavored, jsyk) and it's probably helpful to note that there is a peach and an apple. It's not two apples.

54, You make bathtime lots of fun.: washing/cleaning pattern! You get to decide if the ducky is a vibrator for yourself, of course. :) (I almost made that squeeze bottle, like. Old Spice bodywash. But then I didn't.)

55, Shaving Gets You Laid: shaving pattern! This is actually a reconstruction of the the original pattern, which I appear to have lost somewhere. It's a razor and some text that's pulled from the Gillette How-to-Shave videos, which are kind of my favorite thing. They seem to think that shaving gets you laid. I don't know how true that is, but the videos are beautiful even if they're false advertising.

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!picspam/primer, * kink bingo, reili: art school, sewing: quilts, !art, reili: look at your life choices

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