[fanfiction] trope ficlets

Jul 31, 2011 03:20

365 Gay Sharks
Day 206, Word Count: 1411
Theme: June; No More Sad Songs
This post is part of the 365 Gay Sharks project. If you would like to learn more about this project, click here to read more about it. :D

Fandom/Pairings: Youtube Slash, irl rpf, Merlin, The Social Network, Power Rangers Mystic Force, Shakugan no Shana, Bandom, Princess Tutu, Sherlock (BBC); Cherimon, Reili/Ginny/Sara, Kylex, ~Never, #dirtypathogens, Merlin/Arthur, Mark/Eduardo, Xander/Maddie, Teoh/Charlie, Sorath/Tiriel, Brendon/Sarah/Spencer, Duck/Rue, Sherlock/Watson
Rating: PG-13
Pre-Notes: Repost (plus the rest of them) of the ficlets from my birthday post.
Disclaimer: . . . Get out.
Summary: I wrote people 3 - 5 sentences of a pairing based on a trope. These are the results.

Cherimon; Accidental Public Confession
It's an accident, really, and Charlie doesn't mean to say it but Alex does weird things to his brain chemistry or whatever and so he says it at Vidcon to someone because Alex's fingers brush against his.

"It's not like I slept with the Amy Pond cut-out, that was all Alex!"

He only notices the camera after he says it, though, because that's just the way life works. Charlie groans, this will no doubt be on the internet in a few hours.

waffle apartment ot3, impossible bed configurations
"I don't understand," Ginny says as she settles in next to Sara, "how she manges to take up so much space when she's, like, half our size!"
Sara nuzzles at Ginny's neck and kisses her lightly, "It's because she was genetically altered with cat dna to mave magical powers that let her take up far more space than she should be able to."

Next to them, sprawled across a good half of their queen-sized bed, Reili mumbles something a little incoherent and sleepy while managing to steal most of the blankets. Sara rolls her eyes and yanks them back - she's pretty much used to it now.

Kylex; Badass Mustache
Sometimes, Alex put a mustache on and stroked it like the evil genius he was - well, the evil genius that Kyle was. He wasn't Alex when he had the mustache, because Alex was a name that could not contain his badassery. Kyle, however . . .

Kyle just couldn't be tamed.

~Never; Aliens Made Them Do It
Alex and Teoh are fucking.

To better understand why this is happening, it would be useful to list the following facts: a) Ben Cook is an alien, b) he has the world's worst sense of humor, c) Ben can make people fuck if he wants to, and d) Alex being there was 85% an accident.

Oh, and f) Ben actually got bored and stopped making them fuck about half an hour ago.

#dirtypathogens; kid!fic
Erin sort of frowns at the thing in Alex's arms, because she's pretty sure it's a baby and Erin's not sure where Alex got it but it needs to go away. They don't have the financial stability to support a kid!

"Look, Erin," Alex says softly, "isn't he cute?"

Taking an actual look at the child, Erin has to admit that it is cut and, mentally, she starts trying to rearrange their money to fit a child into their lives.

#dirtypathogens; kid!fic
"Whatcha doing?"
"I'm reading a book about Frida Khalo."
"Oh . . . Who's that?"
"Only one of the coolest artists ever! She had a unibrow."

waffle apartment ot3; Gayngster
Sometimes people wonder how Sara became a fucking gang leader when she flaunts her pretty little female plaything on a chain and collar. Other people know that it's because of the plaything that no one ever sees, the one that people speak of in hushed whispers and only ever call "The Shadow."

Those people will tell you that Sara summoned a demon from the Underworld with hair and eyes like darkness that can melt into the shadows and asked it to conquer the city for her, asked it to be hers and only hers forever. They will tell you the demon said it could only grant one of those request but sometimes, if the night is the kind where there is no moon and no stars (the kind where the sky is just an inky black), you might see a shadow running towards Sara's compound and jumping over the high walls that surround it.

They say that those are the nights where the darkness seems like it will last forever and that if you listen carefully when dawn comes, you might hear a shadow crying.

waffle apartment ot3; Catholic School Girls Rule
Reili comes to pick them up in relatively normal clothes - which is to say that she shows up in a loose, washer-thin t-shirt and jeans that are practically falling off her - but her hair is green. Sara can see the way Ginny winces, and she touches a hand to her sister's arm.

"She's really very nice, it's just that her fashion choices are a little . . . Eccentric."

merlin/arthur; reincarnated as twins
Merlin touches his forehead to Arthur's, smiling down at him, and Arthur's anger fades away because it's impossible to be mad at Merlin, impossible to be mad at his other half.

"That's more like it," Merlin says softly, "don't let Morgana get you down."

Arthur laughs at that, sudden and unexpected, and then Merlin is laughing too. It's nice.

Lycanthrope Mark/Eduardo, A Wizard Did It
Once upon a time, Eduardo used to question why things like Chris pressing his fingers to his temple and muttering about literal caffine vampires and fucking crashed the fucking server and should have gone to Yale happened. He used to ask if Chris was okay, if he needed anything.

Now he usually just goes to find Mark, grabs him by the collar, and drags him over to apologize to Chris. It's just faster that way.

Xander/Maddie, Lost Him In A Cardgame.
Maddie's not sure how it happened, but Leelee somehow managed to put Xander under a spell that makes him dote over her and it wouldn't upset Maddie but Xander had said - it didn't matter what Xander had said, because the only way to get him back was to win in a game against Leelee. It's not even any specific game, just a game and Leelee is stupid enough to let Maddie choose.

Smiling at Leelee, Maddie moves her Queen: "Check and mate."

Teoh/Charlie (Coollike), Unresolved Sexual Tension.
It's like, Charlie knows Teoh because Ben knows Teoh and Alex apparently knows Teoh so Teoh ends up at their house and Teoh is really attractive and Charlie is having a hard time focusing on anything else. Alex can tell, Charlie thinks, and he's probably laughing his ass off inside of his head because he's a goddamn asshole.

Teoh turns to look at Charlie, slightly concerned, "You okay, love?"
"Yeah," Charlie says, "just shy around new people sometimes, that's all."

Sorath/Tiriel, Crossing the Moral Event Horizon
Tiriel has her hands on Sorath's hips when he sucks up the first soul, feeling it vicariously, and she just has to have a taste so she presses their lips together. Souls are the sweetest nectar she's ever tasted, and Tiriel is pretty sure that nothing else will ever compare.

Sorath knows what she knows when she pulls away, and her lips curve into a smile. His follow suit, and Tiriel knows that her brother dearest will follow her in her plans.

brendon/spencer/sarah; Heat Wave
California is hot, and Brendon's never had that fact hammered into him more than when his thermometer reads 110 degrees, his ac is broken, their pool is being fixed, and he's still wearing clothing. It's cruel and unusual punishment, but Sarah had said that they could cool off in the shower after she and Spencer came back from shopping and, she added, Brendon wasn't allowed to get naked before they came back. She would know too, because Sarah knew everything.

There's a click! of the door being unlocked, and Brendon's scrambling to greet them at the door, so completely ready to cool the fuck off.

waffle apartment ot3; the one where we are all trolls
----- novacaineNeurotic [NN] began trolling formaldehydeHysteric [FH] -----
NN: I don't underst8nd how I c8n h8ve so much p8ty!!!!!!8

Duck/Rue, Distracted by the Sexy
Every time Duck dances, she really, really hopes that Rue doesn't walk by. It's not that she doesn't like Rue (even though there are a lot of reason to not like Rue!), because Duck thinks that Rue could be a good person if she tried.

It's mostly just that Rue is very, very pretty and Duck is easily, easily distracted.

Sherlock/Watson, I'm Not Angry!
"I just meant that you should label the body parts -"
"I did label the body parts!"
"Sherlock, stop yelling -"
"I'm not yelling!"

Eduardo/Mark, Obvious Rule Patch
The note on the fridge says this:

This entry originally posted here. Original entry currently has
comments. :D

pairing: alex/teoh, pairing: alex/charlie, fandom: the social network, pairing: alex/kyle, pairing: john/sherlock, # bbq sauce, fandom: merlin, pairing: ginny/reili/sara, pairing: sorath/tiriel, fandom: #y_slash, fandom: shakugan no shana, fandom: irl rpf

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