[fanfiction] blowjob rainbow 2

May 01, 2011 17:39

365 Gay Sharks
Day 117, Word Count: 1430
Theme: April; Double Rainbow
This post is part of the 365 Gay Sharks project. If you would like to learn more about this project, click here to read more about it. :D

Fandom/Pairings: Bandom, Sherlock (BBC), Merlin, HSM, American Idol, Kingdom Hearts, #y_slash, The Social Network, The Runaways; Pete/Mikey, Sherlock/John, Merlin/Arthur, Ryan/Adam, Sora/Riku, Tom/Ed, Gerard/Pete, Mark/Eduardo, Joan/Cherie, Dan/Phil, Korse/Party Poison, Pete/Patrick, Gabe/William, Chris/Mark(/Eduardo)
Rating: R
Pre-Notes: Reili, do your Hemingway paper. Thank you to teh_slush and girl_in_stripes for giving me the majority of these pairings. Thanks also to organizedcure and 1st_eggokage for making me provide cherry bomb blowjobs to the masses.
Disclaimer: No. Just no.

blowjob rainbow 2: electric rainbow boogaloo

RED (volcanoes; Pete/Mikey)
There is something that feels dangerous about whenever they do this, whenever Pete falls to his knees and unbuttons Mikey's pants before sinking down down down. There is something inherently dangerous about it, dangerous about the way that Mikey always feels like an active volcano that's ready to burst at any moment when Pete's mouth is stretched around him. He wants to explode, can't contain all of the things he feels because it's not just sex, not just mutual orgasms. It's something closer to love, closer to standing outside Pete's house in the rain with a boombox to gain forgiveness.

ORANGE (desire; Sherlock/John)
There is no doubt about the fact that John wants Sherlock.

He's not very good at hiding it, and Sherlock has a very cursory, scientific interest in sex and orgasms and those sorts of things, so it's really for that reason that he closes his lips around John's cock and sucks, trying to be careful not to use teeth, like he's read about and like he imagines would hurt if you did it too hard. John fists his hand in Sherlock's hair and Sherlock lets him, instead concentrating on cataloging every bit of information about this moment that they're in.

YELLOW (happiness; Merlin/Arthur)
Merlin is happy because his life is good and so many things about his life make him happy. Arthur makes him happy, and the sight of Arthur on his knees and pressing Merlin against the wall makes him happy. The way that Arthur knows every single way to make him fall apart makes him happy. The way that Arthur likes doing this and the way that Merlin likes the way he likes it makes him happy. The way Arthur's tongue curls around him makes Merlin happy.

Actually, everything about Arthur makes Merlin happiest of all because Merlin makes Arthur happy.

GREEN (money; Ryan/Adam)
Most people tend to assume that Ryan sleeps with Adam because Adam has money and is famous and Ryan is nothing but a golddigger. Which, funny. That isn't true at all, though, because Ryan couldn't give less of a flying fuck about the money. He has money, he doesn't need more money. No, Ryan takes Adam's cock into his mouth and flicks his tongue along the head because he wants to. He wants to see Adam fall apart, wants to have the weight of Adam on his tongue, wants to taste Adam. Money isn't even a part of the equation.

BLUE (magic; Sora/Riku)
Sora supposes that you're not supposed to use magic like this. He supposes that magic isn't supposed to be used for fun, just defense (or offense, if you're that sort of person), but having Riku strapped to the bed with magical restraints is a sight to see. The way he strains against them as Sora teases the head of his cock, tongue swirling thoughtfully, is kind of fascinating and something that Sora supposes he deserves after reuniting worlds and saving them twice over. And it isn't like Riku dislikes it. In fact, Sora thinks Riku may even enjoy it more.

INDIGO (power; Tom/Ed)
Tom shouldn't have this kind of power over him, shouldn't be able to make him fall apart with just his mouth, shouldn't be so good at giving head. His mouth is like a girl's, Ed thinks, only better because Tom knows what feels good and can read Ed better than anyone else. Knows Ed better than anyone else. He has Ed in the palm of his hand and he knows it, looking up at Ed through his lashes and if his mouth weren't full Ed knows he would be smirking. But Ed doesn't mind if Tom has all the power.

VIOLET/PURPLE (poison; Gerard/Pete)
Gerard's got Pete against the wall, thinks I wish I could save you. Thinks you shouldn't have to suffer as he sinks to his knees. Takes Pete into his mouth and thinks I will save you. Thinks you will be mine as he sinks down lower. Pete fists his hand in Gerard's hair, and Gerard thinks but how should I do it? Thinks I'll have to do more research as Pete fucks his face. Lets his eyes flutter close and thinks I haven't used doll's eye yet. Thinks I wonder if the berries are ripe just as Pete comes. Yes.

RED (error; Eduardo/Mark)
Eduardo is a terrible person.

Mark doesn't understand how he gets ideas in his head, doesn't understand how he can just say: Keep coding, I'm going to blow you. Every error you make while I'm doing that is a day where you can't touch yourself. I won't touch you either.

Doesn't understand how Eduardo expects him to just keep his fingers moving and his brain working straight while Eduardo's got his mouth around him and it can only process heatwetgood. He makes fourteen errors in fourteen lines of code while Eduardo's torturing him. Which means the next two weeks? Hell.

ORANGE (determination; Joan/Cherie)
Cherie has her mouth stretched around the red plastic of the strap-on, like she's eating the world's most obscene cherry popsicle, and there are times where Joan wishes she were a guy so she could feel the way Cherie's mouth stretches around her and the way that Cherie lets her eyes flutter closed and seems to be really enjoying herself. Fingers tight in Cherie's hair, though, Joan can almost feel the phantom sensation of her tongue pressing along the underside and swirling along the head, can almost feel the wet heat of Cherie's mouth around this plastic extension of herself.

YELLOW (electric; Dan/Phil)
When Dan touches Phil, it's electric. It's like someone has turned his body into a live wire and there's nothing he can do about it, so it's not that surprising. It's not that surprising that when Dan first takes Phil into his mouth and sucks gently, Dan feels like someone's struck him with lightning. He ca't focus on anything but the places where Dan is touching him, fingers along his hips feeling like brands and the entire world narrowed down to the Dan's mouth and Dan's tongue and Dan's fingers and Phil manages to tangle his fingers in Dan's hair.

GREEN (envy; Korse/Party Poison)
Korse is envious of whoever has the use of Party Poison's mouth now. He remembers when it was him, when Party Poison would be on his knees and suck Korse off, eager and gorgeous. He remembers the noises that Party Poison would make, low and wanting like all he ever wanted to do was suck Korse's dick. Korse knows better now, obviously, can see how the entire thing was just an act put on by Party Poison to gain his release, but fuck if it wasn't a convincing act.

Besides, Korse is allowed to be jealous of anyone he wants.

BLUE (calm; Pete/Patrick)
The difference between them, Pete knows, is that Patrick is calm.

He's calm and methodical about this, using his hand to get to the part of Pete's dick that doesn't fit in his mouth and knowing exactly the sorts of things that make Pete fall apart. He has a rhythm, keeps a beat, and it drives Pete insane because it's like Patrick knows that the more methodical he is, the more Pete will beg for him to hurry up 'trick hurry up and the more he won't do it. Pete doesn't understand how Patrick can stand to do that, the waiting part.

INDIGO (royalty; Gabe/William)
William is a fucking diva.

Gabe knows this, of course, and isn't surprised at all by it. He's surprisingly okay with this, actually, because it doesn't matter what how much of a diva William is, his mouth is wicked and everything that Gabe could ever want, so Gabe can take a little high-maintenance behavior in exchange for that. William lets Gabe fuck his face, jaw slack, and hums. He's bad about remembering not to do that, but Gabe doesn't actually care because it's not a bad thing. Gabe comes, and William swallows neatly, making a face as he does so.

VIOLET/PURPLE (sharing; Chris/Mark[/Eduardo])
Chris isn't sure how his life ended up like this, sharing a boyfriend with someone in a polyamorous relationship. Chris isn't even sure how Mark ended up needing to be shuffled between people, isn't sure how Mark can always give the exact thing to the exact person who needs it. Isn't sure why he never noticed Mark being so attentive.

But he's sure of Mark's mouth and the way his fingers feel in Mark's hair. He's sure of the fact that Mark loves him and loves Eduardo and doesn't do this for anyone else. He's sure that they'll be okay.

This entry originally posted here. Original entry currently has
comments. :D

fandom: the social network, person: adam lambert, !fic, fandom: merlin, band: the academy is..., fandom: kingdom hearts, band: cobra starship, pairing: everyone/ryan, verse: glitter herpes, fandom: #y_slash, fandom: high school musical, fandom: american idol

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