[fanfiction] far too tired to fall asleep

Apr 30, 2011 22:45

365 Gay Sharks
Day 116, Word Count: 791
Theme: April; Double Rainbow
This post is part of the 365 Gay Sharks project. If you would like to learn more about this project, click here to read more about it. :D

Fandom/Pairings: Bandom; vaguely Gerard/Mikey
Rating: PG-13
Pre-Notes: For gala_apples, who is an amazing blackout superstar for the previous round of
kink_bingo. I tried for something you'd like, but I wrote this during my own art school finals so it may have ended up a tad more self-indulgent than I would like to admit. You can always ask for another thing! I am cool with making you another thing. (Especially if you want podfic. Do you want a podfic?)
Disclaimer: Don't google yourself, Mikeyway.
Summary: Gerard rubs at his eyes and picks up his phone, automatically hitting 2. Mikey picks up on the third ring.

far too tired to fall asleep

Gerard hasn't slept in two days, is slightly twitchy from mainlining caffeine and cigarettes, and physically cannot bear to look at his homework for any longer. He's been drawing fucking animation frames for six hours, he can take a break that's longer than fifteen minutes. He has to, or he's going to go insane. It'll be all over the news: "Art school student throws self in front of bus." "Art student suffers nervous break and throws self off building." "Art school student douses dorm in turpentine and sets fire to it."

Actually, scratch that. It won't show up in the news at all because all students in art school are batshit fucking insane. Especially since it's finals season and the entire students body just needs some makeup to pass for extras in a zombie movie and some of them don't even need that, to be honest. If he had know art school would have taken this much work, he wouldn't have gone. (Lies.) Gerard rubs at his eyes and picks up his phone, automatically hitting 2. Mikey picks up on the third ring.

"Hey, Gee."

He can hear Mikey shift, looks at the clock and knows Mikey is on his bed. It's just past 4 on a Wednesday. Probably should have checked the clock before he called, to be honest, but Mikey would have found a way to talk to him even if he was in class. Mikey has ways.

"Tell me about your week."
Gerard laughs, "I drew. And then I went to class. And then I drank more coffee than one person should ever drink. And then I drew some more. Your week was probably more interesting."
"I went to a show."

Mikey tells Gerard about the show and Gerard closes his eyes and just lets Mikey's voice wash over him. There's something about hearing Mikey talk about this show that just puts Gerard at ease. The never-ending tiredness that he can't seem to shake fades out and then there's just Mikey's voice and the smile that Gerard can hear and the excitement of a show.

It's two weeks to the end of the semester, and Gerard is sick of drawing and drinking too much coffee trying to stay awake. It just makes you twitchy after a while, and it doesn't do anything to wash away how tired you feel - the kind of tired that's down to your bones where you could probably sleep for days and days before you felt well-rested. Gerard's getting used to it, three semesters in. If he can get most of his animation final sketched out, then he'll sleep for five or six hours and hopefully that will help.

"Gee," Mikey says, snapping Gerard back into focus, "you should get some sleep. Two weeks."
"Talk to me for five more minutes."
"You're going to fall asleep and then mom's going to complain because you didn't hang up the call and the phone bill is going to be horrible."
"Five more minutes," a beat, "Please?"

Mikey tells Gerard about a project that he has for school, and Gerard feels himself drifting off to sleep. He hears Mikey distantly telling him goodnight, and he thinks he says it back before he hangs up. There's an alarm set to go off at ten, because even if he isn't asleep sometimes he needs to be reminded that it's a certain time. So there's that.

He probably won't sleep through the alarm. Probably.

Gerard dreams of his school being the center of a zombie apocalypse, all of the art students killed by lack of sleep, and Mikey is there for some reason. They kick zombie ass, and when his alarm goes off he wakes up and doodles a sketchy thing of him and Mikey fighting off an entire army of paint splattered art school zombies. He'll turn it into a larger piece later, maybe, after finals. Mikey will give him that look, like "you always draw things for me and I am running out of space to keep them, Gee, you need to stop."

He doesn't actually mean that, though. Gerard draws for Mikey and Mikey keeps them all, tucked into folders and taped to the wall.

"Some day when you're famous," Mikey says sometimes, "it'll be worth a lot of money."
"Sure," Gerard laughs, "I'm not sure that anyone will want a ridiculous comic about us as superheros, though."

Mikey usually just rolls his eyes, sometimes bumping their shoulders together, and that's just how it's always been. That's how Gerard always wants it to be.

The easiness of it all is a little harder when they're separated by the chasm created by art school, distance, and things like that. It's okay, though.

They'll be okay.

This entry originally posted here. Original entry currently has
comments. :D

* exchange, * kink bingo, # bbq sauce, !fic, pairing: gerard/mikey, beasties 2011: 365 gay sharks, band: my chemical romance, # salt

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