[fanfiction] Pete Wentz vs the World

Apr 15, 2011 20:03

365 Gay Sharks
Day 158, Word Count: 1902
Theme: June; No More Sad Songs
This post is part of the 365 Gay Sharks project. If you would like to learn more about this project, click here to read more about it. :D

Patrick sighs when Pete shows up, a little battered and a lot tired. He sighs, but he tosses Pete a energy drink and doesn't actually question it any farther than that. Pete can feel his disapproving eyes, though.

"Thank you," Pete says, "for always healing me when I fuck up."
"I'm not a fucking faerie, Pete. I only heal you because I need a bassist, okay?"

Pete knows that Patrick doesn't actually mean it, though, so he just smiles and drink the rest of his energy drink. Like magic, his burn feels better and he doesn't feel quite so fucking drained. It's kind of nice, he was beginning to forget what feeling healthy was like. He opes that he doesn't have to fight another Evil Ex for a while, except he knows that's probably not going to be the case. At least he's already defeated five out of twenty or something. That's an actual accomplishment, right?

Maybe not. Patrick tosses another energy drink at Pete, and Pete drains that too. It's important to always have energy drinks on hand, Pete knows. His phone trills. It's a text from Mikey.

Mikey: r u free 2nite?
Pete: yes, y?
Mikey: show goin on 2nite. come w/ me?
Pete: always.

And okay, maybe Pete isn't necessarily in the best place, what with all the evil exes he's supposed to be defeating and stuff, but you know. That's not the part that matters. The part that matters is that he's got a date with Mikey and the world is a good place. Patrick raises an eyebrow, probably at the way Pete's grinning manically, and Pete just grins wider.

"I hate a date tonight, 'trick. It's going to be awesome."
"Sometimes I wonder about you," Patrick shakes his head, "Just don't get killed out there. I'm pretty sure you don't have any extra lives to spare right now."
"Dud, 'trick, it'll be fine. We're just going to a show. I'll be fine."

There's a moment where Patrick opens his mouth to say something, and then he just shakes his head and leaves Pete to his own devices. It makes Pete think that Patrick probably knows something that he doesn't, but whatever. If Patrick doesn't want to tell him, then it's probably not that important to be honest. Patrick tells him everything important, mostly because otherwise Pete tends to do really stupid things and nearly get himself killed. That happens a lot, actually.

"Just promise me you'll be careful, Pete. Please."
Pete flashes Patrick a grin, "When am I ever not careful, 'trick? Careful is my middle name."
"Sometimes," Patrick sighs, "I can't telling if you're fucking around or genuine."

To be honest, Pete doesn't always know either. Usually he's being serious, though. That's probably not a good thing, but Pete has bigger problems.

Mikey tells Pete to meet him at one of the local places, and Pete goes. He gets there just a little early and waits around for Mikey, who shows up not long after with a small smile on his face.

"Hey. I'm glad you came."
"Wouldn't have missed it," Pete says.
"C'mon," Mikey motions for Pete to follow him, "we should be on the list."

Some small of Pete wants to ask why they're on the list, if it's because Mikey slept with someone, but he doesn't because he wants Mikey to like him and honestly? It's not really any of his business who Mikey's slept with unless he has to beat them down. Pete okay with that, though, because he'll fight anything for Mikey. He likes Mikey a lot. Pete steals a kiss from Mikey, and Mikey pulls away.

"We're here for music, not making out."
"We can do both, I think."

Mikey laughs, low and slightly raspy, and presses a kiss to the corner of Pete's mouth before leading him inside. They get a nod from the bouncer, and Pete is slightly weirded out by that. He's never had that happen before, to be honest.

There's some kind of shitty band playing on the stage when they get there. It's the opening band, though, so Pete isn't actually surprised. Mikey kisses him again.

"I really shouldn't be doing that," Mikey laughs when he pulls away, "you have a girlfriend."
"I broke up with her," Pete shrugs, "it wasn't really working out."

Something in Mikey's expression changes when Pete says that, but Pete can't tell if that's a good or a bad thing. Instead, Pete just lets the music wrap around him and gets lost in the feel of the show. Mikey does too, and they're both pretty wrapped up in it by the time the main act comes on. They sound vaguely familiar, but Pete knows a lot of bands and a lot of music so that's not really surprising. They're an okay band too, not exactly Pete's style but still good, and he's okay with that. Partway through the set, though, Mikey is tugging at his arm.

"Pete," Mikey hisses, "we need to leave before the next song."
"Is that Mikey Way I see out there? It is, isn't it?"
Pete cringes, "Is he one of your exes?"
"Well," Mikey sighs, "you'll see."

That, Pete thinks, does not bode well at all.

Luckily, nothing of note happens during the actual show. Pete is thankful for that, if nothing else, because he's kind of had enough interrupted shows to last a lifetime. After the show, though, someone who is very obviously a stage hand pops up in front of them and tells them that they're being requested backstage. Pete glances at Mikey, but Mikey doesn't seem to care a whole lot either way. He mostly just seems resigned to his fate.

"You knew that this would happen, huh?"
"I didn't think he'd recognize me," Mikey shrugs, "and also I still don't actually know who's in the League of Evil Exes. No one's ever actually . . . Usually people give up pretty easily."

That's kind of shitty, Pete thinks, because Mikey deserves better than that. He would say so, but they're backstage and taking a seat across from the band. It's five dudes, and Pete would be intimidated, but he's been beating down Evil Exes for the past couple of days. It's going to take a lot to intimidate him now.

"So," one of the dude says, "Mikey Way. How long has it been, dude?"
"A long time," Mikey shrugs, "does it matter?"
"And who's this," one of the other dudes says, "your new boy toy?"

Pete assumes they're referring to him. He would be angry, but these people obviously don't matter that much to Mikey, so Pete doesn't care. He doesn't care and it categorically doesn't matter what they say about him.

He snorts, "So what if I am?"
"You don't know what you're getting yourself into," the first dude says, "but you'll know soon enough."
"We're the Madden twins," the other dude says, "and we're the next of the Evil Exes."

"Wait," Pete said, "you dated twins?"
"Yeah," Mikey shrugged, "at the same time."

Pete wanted to say something to Mikey about that, but his thoughts on the matter were mostly highly inappropriate. Also one of the twins chose that moment to fly toward Pete, and Pete really would have liked to dirty talk Mikey, but it was kind of hard to do that when he was about to get his face pounded in by a heavily tattooed dude. And they were in public, but that hadn't ever stopped Pete before. He had no shame.

"Taste my fist!"
Pete blinked, "Did you seriously just say 'taste my fist'? Dude, that's lame."

The guy threw a punch, face contorted in anger, and Pete supposed that he probably shouldn't make people who were trying to punch his face in more angry at him. That was probably incredibly dumb and yeah, okay. Whatever. Pete dodged, just barely.

"I don't suppose you have advice on how to defeat them," Pete said, dodging the other brother, "Mikey?"
"Not really," Mikey side stepped the fighting as moved past him, "but the sex was good."
"That's not really useful here."

It was kind of difficult to fend off two different people and not get too badly beat up, because they were coming at him from different angles and sides. Pete only had two eyes, it was kind of difficult to tell what was going on half of the time. Still, he had fought worse and come out on top, so Pete figured this wouldn't be too bad until he stumbled upon their secret weaknesses. They had to have secret weaknesses, everyone had secret weaknesses. That was the only way anyone ever won a fight nowadays, because playing dirty was pretty much the norm.

"You won't get past us," one of the brothers laughed, "no one can defeat our combined power!"
"Seriously," Pete groaned, "have you ever dated anyone nice, Mikey?"
"You're the nicest guy I've dated," Mikey said, although Pete barely heard it in the whirlwind of fighting, "ever."

And while that was nice and Pete appreciated that sentiment, it didn't really help him that much, because there were still two brothers beating down on him and very little he knew about them. Mikey wasn't being forthcoming about potential weaknesses either, so Pete was really just shit out of luck at the moment. He sighed, just trying not to get beat up, but he was getting kind of tired and there wasn't a whole lot he could do about that. One of the twins was coming in on his left and one of them on his right.

Pete ducked, causing them to crash into each other. They both fell to the ground, clutching their poor, abused heads, and Pete kind of wanted to laugh hysterically. Of course. Of course their greatest weakness was each other, they were twins (and identical ones at that). Pete took advantage of their momentary confusion and walked over to the first one, kneeing him in the stomach. He burst into a shower of coins.

Then, before the other brother recovered, Pete walked over and punched him in the stomach. He too burst into a little pile of coins.

Pete collapsed onto the couch they had been sitting on before he'd had to explode people into coins and just breathed for a moment. It was unfortunate, but nothing else could be done about that. It was either them or Pete, and Pete rather liked being alive and not waiting around in limbo. Waiting around in limbo sucked.

Mikey was slowly collecting all the coins and shoving them in his pockets, and Pete watched him. No matter how much change he seemed to put in there, though, his pockets never got any fuller. Mikey looked over to him and smiled, just a little.

"Bottomless pockets," he said simply.
"Awesome," Pete gave a tired smile, "do we have enough to go get dinner?"
"Yeah," Mikey laughed, "we definitely do. C'mon."

He was tired, worn-out, and more than a little sick of defeating Evil Exes, but Pete couldn't help it. Mikey extended his hand and Pete took it.

This entry originally posted here. Original entry currently has
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!fic, band: my chemical romance, beasties 2011: 365 gay sharks, length: over 10k, verse: vsthehtml, band: fall out boy

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