[fanfiction] Pete Wentz vs the World Masterpost

Jun 09, 2011 16:10

365 Gay Sharks
Day 173, Word Count: 499
Theme: June; No More Sad Songs
This post is part of the 365 Gay Sharks project. If you would like to learn more about this project, click here to read more about it. :D

Title: Pete Wentz vs the World (This Ain't a Date, it's a Goddamn Death Match!)
Pairing(s): Pete/Mikey, Pete/Ashlee, Mikey/Twenty Evil Exes. There is also: Mike Carden/Kevin Jonas, Gerard/Lyn-Z.

Rating and Warnings: R. Warnings for: This story relies heavily upon a multimedia approach to storytelling, as in there are a lot of pictures. Other than that, there is unflattering portrayal of vegans/vegetarians, extreme promiscuity, douchebaggery, the Scott Pilgrim school of love, lack of characterization, and a picture of Pete Wentz’s dick. God, I never thought I would need to warn for Pete Wentz's dick.

Disclaimer: Clearly this never happened because Pete Wentz ran out of lives somewhere in the evil exes and this is why he and Mikey are not together happily right now. Alicia, however, kicked everyone's asses and has earned the right to marry Mikey.

Summary: An epic of epic epicness.

Pre-Notes: "Andy Hurley and his Vegan Police . . . Why do I want fic of Pete fighting evil exes now?" "Because Mikeyway totally has, like, twenty evil exes."

And with those words, Pete Wentz vs the World was born. It is Summer of Like if Summer of Like involved magical realism, unicorns, video game mechanics, and a league of twenty evil exes. It's what I want to have happened and not what did, because like my disclaimer says? Alicia has taken that honor for herself. It's cool, though, because now I have written it.

This fic requires that I thank 1st_eggokage and teh_slush, who helped me work out the mechanics of having twenty evil exes, listened when all I did for three months was frantically IM them going "IS [INSERT NAME HERE] A VEGAN/VEGETARIAN????" and sometimes "this story suuuuuuuucks," dutifully told me that the story did not suck, beta-tested the final product, and generally whipped me into writing this story. I am completely in lesbians with them. This story is for them, more than anyone.

It also requires me to thank my roommate, who dutifully listened to basically the entire Decaydance discography on repeat and did not say anything when I watched Scott Pilgrim approximately twelve million times and/or plopped my head down on the desk and mumbled about how the world sucks. She also very patiently explained to me that BREAD makes you FAT. Oh my god you guys, did you know that bread makes you fat?

Finally, a very big and amazing thank you to 750words.com for giving me a reason to fly. This story was seriously 80% written in chunks on 750words and it probably wouldn't exist without that site. If you ever want something to kick your butt into gear about writing, go for 750words. I cannot reccomend them enough.

1st_eggokage and teh_slush are supposed to write me Evil Ex backstory now. (Because no one wants to read 10K of Ashlee/Bryce set after this fic. How would I even pimp that out?)

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6&7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20

Unlockable Extras:
Fanmix by morganya

This entry originally posted here. Original entry currently has
comments. :D

!fic, band: my chemical romance, beasties 2011: 365 gay sharks, length: over 10k, verse: vsthehtml, band: fall out boy

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