[fanfiction] Personal Reasons

Nov 18, 2010 01:17

Fandom/Pairings: Bandom; Ryan Ross/Greg the Exclamation Point, Jon Walker/Ryan Ross, Greg the Exclamation Point/Muriel the Ellipses
Rating: PG.
Pre-Notes: “Clearly the exclamation point left because it had a fight with Ryan Ross.” These are the kinds of things that my brain comes up with okay.
Disclaimer: To my knowledge, Ryan Ross did NOT date the exclamation point in Panic! at the Disco, nor did William Beckett date the ellipses in The Academy Is... (but I could be wrong).
Summary: It is a little known fact about Panic! at the Disco that the exclamation point is actually a sentient being that disapproves of hippie headbands, paisley shirts, and Jon Walker.


Personal Reasons

When Panic at the Disco tells people that the exclamation point was never part of the name, that's only half the story, really. The truth is this: the exclamation point was dating Ryan Ross. Yes, you read that sentence correctly. The exclamation point was dating Ryan Ross.

They were completely inseparable for a long, long while-Brendon and Spencer were completely used to seeing the exclamation point (he was named Gregory, but most people called him Greg) hanging around Ryan. Some people, namely Brent, couldn't actually see Greg but most people could. Pete had raised an eyebrow when he first saw Greg, and Greg had swayed in lieu of waving (as he didn't have arms). After that initial meeting, though, most people just saw Greg as an extension of Ryan-who always insisted on calling Greg by his full name. There weren't really that many problems between Greg and Ryan, though, as they so clearly loved each other. Weren't many problems until Jon Walker, that is to say. Jon Walker was really just the beginning of the end, to be honest.

When Ryan met Jon Walker for the first time, Jon had said hi to Ryan and then he had smiled-and god was his smile gorgeous-at Greg and introduced himself.

"Hi," Jon had said, "I'm Jon Walker. My friend Bill is dating an ellipses, so I'm pretty familiar with sentient punctuation."

Ryan fell more than a little in love with Jon at that, and Greg liked Jon Walker-really he did-but the way Jon Walker made Ryan smile . . . Well, it's possible that Greg was a little bit jealous. It wasn't his fault that he was sentient punctuation and not everyone could see him. He envied Jon Walker, because Jon Walker was real and tangible and visible by everyone and it was hard to compete with that.

It was even harder to compete with when Brent got kicked out. Greg wrapped around Ryan soothing him, and things were okay, except for Jon Walker. Jon Walker who joined their band and who was adored by everyone. Ryan started spending more time with Jon while Greg started spending more time feeling like a third wheel. Brendon hugged him and said that it was probably just a phase, that Ryan would probably grow out of it, but Greg knew better. Greg knew the look on Ryan's face, had seen it dozens of times before, and he knew that look meant there was no turning back. Ryan was more than a little bit in love with Jon, whether he knew it or not, and the only thing Greg could do was watch.

Jon Walker was a great guy, really, and Greg admits that he's good for Ryan in certain ways. But he's bad for Ryan in other ways. He's bad for Ryan because around Jon, Ryan starts smoking and drifting away from the things he worked so hard to gain. He starts drifting from the band that he has worked so hard to bring to where they are and Greg worries. Greg worries and he spends a lot of time with Brendon, who tells him that it'll all be okay and it'll all work out. Greg wants to believe Brendon, he really does, but it's getting to the point where he can't really deny that Ryan is changing, and not for the better.

The time in the cabin just makes him more and more agitated until, finally, he leaves. He doesn't tell Ryan why, just that he isn't needed anymore, and Ryan accepts with a quiet sadness in his eyes that Greg doesn't like to think about.

"Bye," Ryan says, before pressing a kiss to Greg, "Gregory. I'll miss you."

They'll miss each other, really, but Greg simply does not approve of the hippie headbands or Jon Walker. Or paisley, but that's different and less about the paisley itself and more about the fact that Ryan insists on wearing the most awful and ridiculous paisley imaginable. He won't have to see it anymore, though. He won't see any of them anymore.

It's hard seeing all the promotional materials without him on them, but Greg soldiers on. He's pretty resigned to the fact that he is unloved and forgotten when, one day, he bumps into an ellipses. William Beckett's ellipses, specifically, who is named Muriel and who is round and curvy in all the right places. She smiles at him-or she would be, if she could smile-and Greg smiles back. It's never occurred occurred to him to date another punctuation mark, but maybe . . . Greg thinks that maybe this could work.
Postit-Notes: Almost 800 words of sentient punctuation. There have GOT to be rules against letting me write self-indulgent fic into my NaNo. Also the next time I tell you "no that's too cracky for me to write" just tell me: "SENTIENT PUNCTUATION, REILI." Then I'll write you your damn crack. Maybe.

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# soapsuds, !fic, band: panic! at the disco, verse: sentient punctuation, band: the academy is...

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