[fanfiction] #tweetfics

Nov 15, 2010 19:07

I got bored in between classes today, so I started spamming my poor twitter followers with #tweetfic (which I've done before, but never in my main feed). Posted here for posterity.

Sons of Admirals | Scott Pilgrim AU
"Err, right," Tom says to Ben, "so I may have a League of Evil Exes that want to kill you. Sorry about that."

Sons of Admirals | Doctor Who AU
Alex raises an eyebrow, "Do you know how to pilot this thing?" "I have an inkling," Charlie shrugs, "but mostly it pilots itself."

BBC!Sherlock | Hitchhiker's Crossover
"I haven't the faintest idea how you got elected as President of the Galaxy," Sherlock says, "because you're a right idiot."

Killjoys | HSM Crossover
"I can take care of myself," Jazz Square says, defiantly. Party Poison has serious doubts about the validity of that statement.

Killjoys | Glitter Gang 'verse
The Glitter Gang seems to specialize in acquiring alcohol of all sorts. Somehow, this doesn't surprise the Killjoys at all.

Bandom | New Perspective AU
Spencer frowns, "Remind me why I'm in a car with you going to god knows where?" "Because," Brendon grins, "you looooove me."

Bandom | I Kissed A Vampire Crossover
Glancing between Dylan and Pete, Patrick is honestly not sure who hates being a vampire more. He doesn't want to know, really.

Bandom | Filthiest Princess 'verse
The curtains catching on fire is totally an accident, but Gerard will admit he totally conjured the plague of frogs on purpose.

Bandom | Lady-Scented 'verse
Frank is a little bit weirded out by the fact that Gerard smells like coconut. And that he showered willingly.

BBC!Sherlock | Watching TV
"The science is astoundingly bad on this show." Sherlock sounds awed, as if forensic dramas were in any way /real/ science.

BBC!Sherlock | Spines in the Fridge
John opens the fridge and reaches past the spine to get the milk. It must be a Tuesday, John thinks.

And then this next one was a longer #tweetfic for teh_slush ( context) I have formatted into an actual story. It is Jon/Ryan with D/s as subtle as glitterbricks.

dreamporn for @slotheye

Jon leans in close and whispers into Ryan's ear: "Safeword?"
"Formaldehyde," Ryan replies automatically.
"Good," Jon smiles.

Jon pulls the thin leather band from a back pocket and slips it over Ryan's head before twisting his fingers and /pulling/. Ryan gasps, and stumbles forward into Jon. The band isn't tight enough to choke him, but it's enough for Jon to direct him. It's a physical reminder of who he belongs to, who owns him.

"So pretty," Jon murmurs, "but so disobedient."

Ryan would say something to defend himself, except it's true. Instead, he casts his eyes downward and waits.

"You can't kiss anyone you please," Jon growls, "because you're mine. You do as I say, understand?"
"Yes," Ryan whispers, "Jon."

Oh and apparently I also wrote teh_slush some vampire mesmerism #tweetfic. It's . . . William and Carden, but idk who tops.

Carden Mesmerism Variation #3
William&Carden | vaguely related to this

Mike remembers it: a voice floating to him and commanding him to drink, the coppery tang of blood, the irresistible urge to drink. Mike remembers this too: a mouth on his wrist and sucking on his vein, sweet words in his ear, a dazzling flash of white. So yes, Mike is jealous, but it doesn't much matter because William belongs to /him/ - as much as William belongs to anyone.

This entry originally posted here. Original entry currently has
comments. :D

fandom: doctor who, fandom: i kissed a vampire, person: adam lambert, * ridiculous misuse of twitter, !fic, verse: filthiest little princess, band: panic! at the disco, band: the academy is..., verse: 16c, fandom: scott pilgrim, band: my chemical romance, band: 3oh!3, fandom: high school musical, fandom: american idol, band: the young veins, verse: killjoys, fandom: sherlock (bbc), person: ke$ha, fandom: #y_slash

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