Spotted at
Evil Avatar,
NPR had some things to say about the PS3, how release delays will affect the market, etc.
Other folks have had
various and sundry to say on similar topics.
But I wanted to comment on the NPR thing, mostly. EA highlights this quote: "...the Playstation is to Sony what the iPod is to Apple...if they collapse that market and lose it, it will be very difficult for the company."
I'm sorry, what? This is the other half of the reason why I can't be arsed to pay attention to the news. If they get simple things like this so far out of context as to defy reality, how am I going to listen to them on the important issues with any confidence?
Do you people have any idea whatsoever how big a corporation Sony is? I'm not sure Sony could go out of business if they WANTED to. And do you know what kind of effort it would take to actually collapse the market for th ... That statement doesn't even make any sense. You can't collapse that market. Sony will probably lose market share, but let me tell you something. People buy things because they have always bought them. The people who actually move from one platform or the other are the exception to the rule. More likely, Joe is going to have his Xbox360 and then go buy his PS3 as well, because he always gets the latest playstation, but he wanted to play HaloXVII, and he had to have an Xbox to do it. And don't even get me started about the revolution. If you think the nostalgia trip is over for Nintendo, then Mario has jumped on your head one too many times. There will be Mario games, and Nintendo consoles will be popular until the end of time.
Don't even try to tell me that Sony is in trouble, or even could get into trouble. It just doesn't work that way.
Apple sells Macintosh computers and Operating systems, and iPods.
Sony sells computers, software, video games, monitors (Dell OEMs their monitors, among others), cd players, they invented the damn walkman, and diskman, all kinds of hardware, etc etc ad endless naseum - in short they sell everything there is to sell in computers and electronics... and Playstations.
Contrast and compare.
Apple is a company with an essentially niche market that they are trying to expand - with some success, I might add.
Sony is an oversized multinational that will be at the forefront of any reality that is based on William Gibson's work, with an enormous range of products, including some impressive ones in several niche markets. Sony doesn't try to be the best in every market, but they are in every market.
What stupid, stupid journalism.