Tycho had some negative things to say about Dollhouse.
I defy you to go back to Season 1 of Buffy and tell me how good it is.
That's the first thing.
The second thing is, I don't see where Joss could possibly take this. Five seasons of chasing Alpha doesn't sound like fun. Nor does two seasons of chasing Alpha followed by three seasons of running from Dominic, probably while sleeping with Alpha.
But I always thought Faith was one of the more interesting characters in Buffy, and of the two hours I watched, I think that Eliza Dushku does the multiple personality thing better at least than
Val Kilmer did.
And putting aside the obvious potential comparisons like Ghost in the Shell - not least because a lot of the elements in GitS are standard sci-fi - note that if Joss hasn't seen
Gunslinger Girl, I'll eat my hat.
I'm certainly willing to watch it a bit, though I don't expect it to entertain me long term.
I do have some problem with the way some things are portrayed. Dominic is about three of them. That entire character is stupid, grade school story-board failure, and I hope that he changes a very great deal over this first season or I will lose interest quickly.