Nov 27, 2006 23:19
If distraction A is not feesable, take a small distraction B.
So I found out not so so long ago that one of my boardie friends (aka. friend I met long ago on message boards) has totally gotten into Kenneth Copelands teachings. He got me on one of my rare days on MSN, was carousing my LJ, caught sight of my KCM link and freaked out as about excited as I was when he told me! He just started listening to that crowd and was totally getting in their messages, and that made me so amazingly jolly happy because he is the first person I know outside my family who has either heard of Kenneth Copeland or has latched onto the extreme excitedness of his message! Oh happy days!
I can hardly wait until I move to ORU, I will be surrounded by strong faith 24-7, strong teaching, strong worship, strong everything good! No more lack-of-word issues- I will be studying the strongest, best, most challenging Word there is to be had! Or in the top list anyway. And ORU totally just got put on the list of top Universitys in America. My Dad has *great* taste- only the best for his favorite daughter. *big grin*
On that note, I was carousing (what a great word, eh) my churchs new website ( and did a quick look around on their College & Career page and was totally pumped to see they have a MySpace. Do you know what this means when I set up my own MySpace? I will have the opportunity to meet EMIC people, many of who are going to ORU, which means I can make school friends a year and a half before I get there! (Providing the connections are made and pursued. Like HOW awesome is God to me?! Heck yes! *bouncy, bouncy*
Oh ya, and I was reading today.....mark your calendars for 6 months from now. Keep your eye on the Middle East once more. Let me tell you why.
As most anyone knows, last year Israel *foolishly* gave the Gaza strip to the the Palestinians in exchange for peace. They didn't get it, only more rockets and terrorism. The last little while the kassam rockets have been raining down on Sderot especially more than ever. The past few weeks the IDF have been given very limited permission to go into Gaza and do something about this because innocent Jews are dying. Israeli's are calling for Israel to take back Gaza because they are experiencing their mistake in giving it up. Prime Minister Olmert is so leftist though....OK, not going there. Social scientists have been saying that there is going to be another war between the Arabs and Israel, and seeing it come to be summer 2007 is not unlikely. ALl the weapon smuggling that's going on, Iran now having nuclear capabilities...
ANYWAY...Olmert and the leader of the Hamas/PA government on Sunday sat down and signed a six month peace treaty for Gaza. There will be no rockets fired and the two sides will talk peace *cough*. Yes, peace *hack, cough* It would seem that the PA are actually putting some effort into enforcing the peace, but the problem comes when many of the terrorists refuse to abide by the treaty. Two hours after the treaty was signed, kassams were flying, and the organizations (Hamas being one of them...humm....) do not recognize any peace. Olmert is willing to ignore the rockets in light of peace. He is willing to put on the table Samaria and Judea (really, the West Bank) for peace. What a baaaaad idea in the first place. Thought the Palestinians were THAT easy to get into peace?
Neither did I.
The catch? They have set the time limit of the ceasefire to six months. If by that time there is not the realization of a Palestinians state, then all bets are off the table. That's not all. There is nothing in the ceasefire agreement which does not state that Palestinians can't use these 6 months to gather more weapons or to train more soliders. And that is what they have stated they will do. I will be highly surprised if the ceasefire lasts as long as months. Even if it does, look for another war to breakout.
Pray for Israel. Pray that your country will support Israel and that they do not support giving the land away. It says in the Bible that that is how nations will be judged in the end- by how they treated Israel and what they did about the land. And lets just say that right now, God's "naughty" list is much, much longer than the "nice" list.