Title : Spreading rumors is fun
Author :
kiryu_pandakun Chapter : 1 / ?
Genre : Comedy, Adventure
Summary : Spreading rumors is bad but ruki does it anyway.
Pairings : Diffrent pairings for each chapter. (Tora x Shou, for this chapter)
Band : The gazette, Alice nine, more later on..
Rating : PG-15
Warning : MxM, bad english, wtf comedy
Disclaimer : I own myself and my stories!
Comment : Written in Ruki's pov. (Most of the time)
RUKI'S ADVENTURE STARTS - Tora x Shou (Part 1)
It was just annother lazy sunday and the sun looked like a fried potatoe.
A good looking guy named ruki was taking a walk.
He had felt that he wanted to lose some weight and decided to go on a very long walk this lazy sunday.
He started with the small park. He wasn't really tired but a short rest would never hurt so he sat on a bench.
All of sudden a unknown dark haired guy showed up and sat down next to him.
"Hey, have you heard about that guy. He got scolded by that old dude again. Seriously, he never learn." the guy
shook his head and rose up again. Ruki thought that it was weird of course. That some unkown person just came up to him and started saying things that he didn't get.
And all of sudden ruki wanted to visit his friend instead of trying to lose some weight so he called uruha and uruha invited him over for some tea.
"Tell me something intressting" uruha said as he gave ruki his tea and sat down next to his friend.
Ruki thought about it and then he said " Well, there was this one guy" ruki paused to take a sip of his caramel tea.
"WHO?" Uruha asked curiously.
He had to think about it before he answered.
"You know Shou from Alice nine? The other day when i was taking a walk i saw him, he had two big guns in his hands. I asked him what he was going to do and he said, I'm gonna blow up some kids."
Ruki continued with drinking his caramel tea while uruha was left with an you-are-kidding-me expression.
Uruha was sure that ruki was just making something up but whatever, he was bored.
Ruki noded and put the tea cup on the table.
"I have to go now, Thanks for the tea. See you later!"
Ruki left uruha's apartment with a smile on his face.
He no longer wanted to lose some weight. His new goal was to spread as many rumor he could and see what would come out of it.
Ruki who was walking around in the city, thinking about what he would say if he meets a friend bumped into aoi outside of a music store.
"Hi Ru! What's up?" Aoi had bought a new gitarr, he showed it to ruki and when he did so, ruki knew what he was going to say.
"Hey aoi, you want to know something?" He smirked but hide it with his arm that covered his mouth.
"Sure" aoi said and looked at ruki.
"I don't know if you heard it but Tora said that you suck at playing music. He also said that he would master the I-Have-An-Awesome-Thing-In-My-Pants-Song, before you do"
Ruki didn't stay to hear aoi's answer. He had better things to do, like bothering kai.
Ruki showed up at kai's apartment without giving him a call before but as nice as kai was, he let ruki in.
Little did he know what ruki had to say.
"So, what brings you here? You don't come here often and when you do, it's always something work related or some sort of cris." kai threw himself on his leather couche.
Ruki did the same.
"I have a message for you." he said.
"From who?" kai asked curiously.
"I will tell you if you help me with something"
Ruki gave kai a wicked smile.
"With what?"
Kai was suspisious of ruki. He just knew that there was something shady going on.
"I want you to write a letter to two persons, Like make it seem like it comes from them."
Ruki made himself comfortable in kai's couche.
"Who are these two persons if i make ask?"
"Tora and shou, now hurry and get your laptop!"
Later on that day shou got a text message from tora.
He stared at the screen with an open mouth.
"I need to confess a thing to you. I'm in love. I'm in love with you.
Ever since i first saw you, i remeber it was love at first sight even through that your hair was messy and your eyes freaked me out, it was still love. I want to meet you tonight, At 8. Outside of the studio and don't bother to phone or text me because the battery will probarly be dead and i'm to lazy to charge it. And i won't talk to you if you talk to me before too. // Love tora"
Shou was suprised and confused at the same time. This was so not like the tora he knew.
At the same time at tora's place.
Tora also got a message.
He looked at the screen and saw that it was from shou.
"I don't know how to say this but, i think.. I THINK THAT I LOVE YOU TORA!
And i want to meet with you today, outside the studio.at 8. Please be there or else i will do something bad. And i will not answer if you call or text me. // Your's shou"
Tora was staring at his phone without any movement after ha had read the message. What was he supossed to do now?
"Thank you kai!" Ruki gave kai a peek on his cheeks and smiled happily.
"So, i did as you told me. Now i want to know what that message was from and what it said." kai said.
"It was from reita, i think that he wanted to say something like this" Ruki cleared his voice and said.
"Hey what are you up to? I'm sitting at home all alone and bored with socks on my head. You ugly duck, go throw yourself into the river because your ugly face makes me want to puke."
After he had said that, he left.
Ruki needed to get home to get his camera. He had something to film later on.