Another week, another...

Jan 29, 2007 11:08

something or other lol.

Finally getting the lens to my glasses fitted today. Only problem is that I will be about an hour without glasses while they fit it. Ouch. Still, I can do some shopping. Lush is just next door, pamper time! Also look for a wedding outfit I guess.

After recovering from Saturday's excesses, the fondue was fun yesterday. Everyone enjoyed it. Though at the end, all those who were at Saturday nights party were basically falling asleep where they sat hehehe! It was good to see Joy again, and (thankfully) she didn't look too pregnant yet!

One bonus of joining Shinsei, if I can make their early events, they start at 9pm my time. This means I actually don't feel bad about staying at work for those extra 10/20 mins, then get ingame and have some time for me. Odd bonus, but never mind! I am significantly less stressed than I was before. People are noticing it. Was I really that bad?

final fantasy, eyesight

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