
Jan 26, 2007 09:52

For the third night in a row, I have slept like a baby. I think this bout of insomnia is past, thank god!

In more mundane news, this weekend should be nice and boring - we have friends coming down to visit on Sunday though, she is what, 5 months pregnant? This is gonna be wierd - I still can't think of her as married, and the whole sex thing (she got married last Feb, was a Christian and all that entails /grin - me and my friends just went lalalalalalalalalala with our hands over our ears whenever anyone mentioned it). Still, be good to see old friends again.

Oh, and I need a new wedding outfit. Time to go shopping.

FF wise, got accepted to new ls, and it is my first Xarca run on Saturday. The other events have been too late, so taking advantage of reasonable timed ones. Looking forward to it!

final fantasy, real life

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