Title: Blood MoneyChapter: Drabble
kiroyoGenre: Angst, Life
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: I own this page of lies.
Rating: G
Pairing: None
Synopsis: Lies were what their fans believed in, so lies were what they deliver.
Lies were the lingo of the rich and famous. )
As much as a person loves a band, I think people shouldn't blindly follow them. They give you music and something to enjoy, yes, but the messages behind their music should make you think and challenge. You don't have to love every single or album they produce, and you don't have to agree with everything they say. Blaming the band because it doesn't fit your taste is immature. (Unfortunately, that's another thing people in this fandom tend to do quite often.) If you hate it, just hate it, ignore it and leave it alone. Simple as that, really.
Ah, I've turned this into yet another one of my tangents...my apologies.
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