Title: Blood MoneyChapter: Drabble
kiroyoGenre: Angst, Life
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: I own this page of lies.
Rating: G
Pairing: None
Synopsis: Lies were what their fans believed in, so lies were what they deliver.
That word intruded Ruki’s mind the moment he stepped into the doors of Tokyo Dome.
Another word, accompanied with another step into the empty dark arena.
His left foot stepped in line with his right and Ruki stood still.
The lights flickered on, surrounding Ruki in flashes of white, red and blue. The spotlights whirled in their spots before coming to a standstill and all the bulbs dimmed to a small yellowish glow. Ruki stood in the middle of it all, breathing and taking in the essence of blood money.
What had happened to creating music? Money drove them and technology created 80% of their songs. They need not put in real effort anymore. Inspiration? Motivation? Lies. Lies were the only language they knew and speak of now. Lies were the lingo of the rich and famous. Lies, were what those who succeeded knew was what brought them to where they were today.
He inhaled the musky scent of the arena and closed his eyes. All preparations were set, and they were due to perform tomorrow. Money and multiple transactions behind the scenes ensured perfection and zero tolerance for error. They would deliver another outstanding performance, and they would surpass their seniors.
They were after all, the GazettE.
Ruki chuckled a little under his breath at the powerful influence of a mere name. Fans whom they had never come into contact with, much less knew of the bane of their existence, could sacrifice it all to see them. Blood money was what they were making. From sucking dry their followers’ allowances, salaries, for poor quality mass-produced merchandise, to making false promises over radio broadcasts and television appearances.
Blood money - just the thought of it alone stained Ruki’s mind and irked his senses. His clothes, shoes, phone, lodging and all that he owned only had that to thank and the totality of it all sickened him. Such was the world they lived in - lies produced from earlier lies, lies to get by, lies to survive.
Tomorrow they would outdo themselves and all who ever stood on this stage, and the day after they would continue living the same lie.
A/N: An immensely negative drabble from the sick and passive. This was due before their 10th anniversary performance, But I'm late.. As usual.