damn me

Jun 12, 2005 01:22

i started thinking real hard today. i thought that maybe i had been exceedingly hard on someone and that she had earned another chance at friendship. its funny because very literally moments before i was gonna send her an email apologizing for being to hard and trying to maybe start talking again i get an email on my old msn account from her friend. this persons email says a whole list of things ranging from my being a pig headed jerk to an overall bad person and she even says at one point i cant help it because i am a guy. she also has to inform me her and this other girl have and will always be friends and that there is no point in my trying to be friends with her because she wont let me.. i know this sounds very confusing because i wont use names and to be completly truthful it problly dosent matter. i should just get over it and block all thiere new email accounts and be done with it.i dont even know why i check my hotmail. false hopes i guess. but hey. it was there choice i just need to choose better friends i guess
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