[Editor's Note--This used to be the
Perpetual Single post, but I moved it into the next entry so I could write about my abscence from LJ. One day, when I have dementia, I'll want to know why the entire month of May is missing from the LJ.]
Holy Cats and Kittens, I missed all updates for the month of May? There are several reasons why I took a month off from LJ:
1) I had 2 long-term class projects that literally required 24 hours of work per day just to get finished. Those classes kept me so busy, I did not cook anything for the last 2 weeks. I survived off of my usual fast food joints and free pizza handed out by the College of Engineering.
2) I bought New Super Mario Bros. for the DS, and it is pimp. It's the original SMB with little elements of each subsequent Mario game mixed in. I finished it last Monday, and I'm still playing it so I can get all the Star Coins and find all the secret exits.
3) I had a stack of Weekend Reports to do, and I just said "fuck it!" and decided not to do them. Therefore, the events that took place during my first and last quarters at the Davis Apmt will be lost.
4) Speaking of said events, I was so busy having a social life that I did not have the time to sit in front of the comp and type.
And what did I do these past 8 weeks that did not get recorded in the LJ? Any one of these things:
[] Getting lunch at the Grad with Alex, Todd, and Lawrence
[] Going drinking with Andrew at Woodstock's, and then seeing Retro movies like Die Hard and Monty Python.
[] Watching all sorts of movies with MA
[] Looking at YTMND's with Hellbunny
[] Playing New Super Mario Bros!
[] Going to big social gatherings like Picnic Day and Andrew's Superhero Party (I dressed up as Mega Man!)
[] 24 Night with the 24 Crew
[] Playing songs on the guitar!
[] Watching Metallica videos on YouTube!
[] Joining Tau Beta Pi, the Engineering Honors Society, and getting involved
[] Hanging out with Cousin Amber and Her Awesome Boyfriend
[] Raising Hell
In the next week or so I will put off studying for finals by posting some things that I wanted to write last month, but never found the time to do so.
And now, without further ado, I give you
Single in the City!