Best Show - Glee; hands, arms, legs, head and genitals down. I can't recall ever being so long so so HARD into any fandom, since Savage Garden days. Great show that knows its flaws and makes fun of it. Fantastic lines, fantastic actors, great concept, THE CHARACTERS OMG!
Person of The Year - Chris Colfer. Last year this time, I've never even heard about this guy. He stole my heart. He's an incredible actor, a great person, and a true inspiration who deserves every prise going in his direction
Fandom of the year - Glee again. I literally LIVED in that fandom for months, I actually had to completely erase G_A from my existence several months ago, because I was getting dangerously addicted in a bad, disturbing way.
Character of the Year - Kurt Hummel. I didn't like him at the beginning, just another “running gay joke” with a lot of attitude and weird voice. Then “Preggers” happened. And I never looked at him the same way again. He delivered some of the best, most heartbreaking moments of the year - his coming out, Defying Gravity, Rose's Turn - he introduced us to BURT “THE GOD OF PARENTING” HUMMEL. And while I mourn we lost him to this one-note, worshippy, spunkless, ballsless shadow of himself he has become (yes, I blame you Blaine, you will always be hated for that) I will never forget Kurt's Turn and what it meant to me. That's my Kurt, that's how I will remember him.
Ship of the Year - Puck/Kurt. It's incredible to see that the biggest slash ship of the fandom was based on three 10 seconds long scenes. We all know what happened at the end, nearly everyone left for Blaine/Kurt but you know what? While is stang at the beginning, I'm happy that we still are there. Not so active, less flaily but still alive. Shippers ship. Puckurt will always be my number one ship; there was a time when I had truly believed that they may be canon, some part of me still wants/expects this and that's fantastic.
Fun fact: When I first got into the fandom, I got tricked into believing there are plans for them to be True Canon. I hear I'm not the only one
Best Film - Many great/entertaining films this year but number one two and three go to Scott Pilgrim. I've seen it twice, would love to see it again on the big screen. My nerdy heart exploded all over the place.
Best comic book - Avengers: The Children's Crusade aka Young Avengers vol 2. Billy and Teddy are back and still in love, Eli and Kate still kick ass, Captain America still makes my ovaries tingle. Hell yeah!
Best fandom moment - There were several contestants but in the end, I have to go with Karofsky kissing Kurt. I've written this so many times but I will repeat - while part of me saw it coming, it was still both shocking and unexpected. It 30 seconds I got a new favourite character, a brand new real ship and a terrible addiction to Max Adler's unfy arms.
Best song - This is going to be a problem; should I go with the one that meant the most, the one I listened to the most, the one I never FF on my ipod? I guess I'll go with Defying Gravity, in all its versions. First, because it turned Kurt from “yeah, I like him” to “Best. Character. Ever” and that his version makes me feeeeeeel thiiiiiiings. Two, it made me fall in love with Chris Colfer's voice - it's not everyone's cup of tea, I understand that but for me, it's tea and biscuits. Three - it introduced me to Wicked, which made me move my ass to London, which made me meet
demon_faith IRL. \o/
Quote of the Year - 95% of quotes I can think of are from Glee but one stands out. Sue's "I will go to the animal shelter and get you a kitty cat. I will let you fall in love with that kitty cat; and then on some dark cold night, I will steal away into your home, and punch you in the face." Why? Because I actually use "I will get you a kitty cat" as a warning.
Eyecandy of the Year - Mark Salling.
'nuff said