I’m quite angry. I’d written a rather long entry about Torchwood in the morning and before I was able to post it, the comp crashed and ate it. No point in writing it again (I hate to rewrite stuff!) but I have to mention that yesterday I watched three episodes of Torchwood in a row and, while I didn’t like Adam all that much, the Martha-Owen arc was very highly entertaining…
I mean, so much Owen, so little Gwen, what could go wrong?
Please, refrain from mentioning the “Weevil Fightclub” episode from series one, ok?
To make it quick, things that were awesome:
- Martha
- so little Gwen
- Owen/Tosh FTW!!!
- no Jack/Gwen nonsense
- Owen, Owen, Owen, Owen!
- Ianto screaming like a girl twice + Ianto getting all dreamy when thinking about Jack’s... dabbling
- the cell scene with Owen and Jack - not only perfect in every detail but also showed that Torchwood men have no issues with intimacy
Things that were not so awesome:
- Owen vs The Death - I believe the term “lame” applies
- once again I kindly remind all the parties interested that the “Death” card in Tarot, does not symbolize death but change
Poll The Rhys/Gwen wedding