fic: Alternates (3/?)

Oct 29, 2013 19:13

Title: Alternates
Pairings: Jim Kirk/Leonard McCoy (pre-slash)
Fandom: Star Trek AOS
Rating: PG-13
Word count: approx. 1,600 (this chapter)
Warnings: some descriptions of blood/gore
Chapter summary: In which Bones is a doctor in a war zone and Jim shows up on his operating table.
A/N: based on this tumblr post. in which each chapter is a different AU situation for these idiots to run around in.

( When Leonard dreamed of becoming a doctor as a child, he hadn’t imagined that he’d wind up being a doctor in a war zone somewhere in the middle of Europe with soldiers dying every day around him. )

fandom: aos, james t. kirk, rating: pg-13, leonard "bones" mccoy, fandom: au, fan: fanfiction, fic/art warning: violence/gore

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