"That's What Friends Do" : A Star Trek prompt fill

Oct 25, 2013 23:19

Title: "That's What Friends Do"
Fandom: Star Trek (2009 - reboot)
Characters: Leonard 'Bones' McCoy/Jim Kirk - McKirk, or Jones. implied!Kirkov - maybe
Rating: NC-17, for dub!con (sort of!)
Theme/Prompt: Kirk/McCoy, fuck or die, from badsexfest
Words: 2,754 words
Summary: An attempt at the above prompt. "With Chekov's words ringing in his ear, Bones decided it was time to try. He had to save the captain. For Chekov. For the crew. For the ship."
Beta: natalieee182 - But any lasting mistakes are mine own. So lay off my beta! She tried!
Disclaimer: Don’t own, don’t sue. Characters belong to CBS and Paramount, and I am merely borrowing them with no harm intended to those concerned. No profit as been gained; no drugs, money, sex or otherwise exchanged hands during the making of this.
A/N: Not too happy with the way the sex turned out on this one. Because it rather didn't. McKirk is my brotp though so I struggle to make them sex. I cannae see them sexing is all *shrugs* I do love their banter and may have got carried away with that. Am sure anon wanted some of that banter too, so here's hoping you like it, my dear.

Read here

leonard "bones" mccoy, warning: dub/non con, character: jim kirk, fandom: aos, aos, james t. kirk, fan: fanfiction, rating: nc-17, character: leonard mccoy

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