Assorted things...

Oct 29, 2006 21:52

I have a job! I'm a cashier at The Christmas Tree Shops in Nashua. I have nearly full-time hours. But it still might not be quite enough, so I'm looking to get another job--hopefully at the Starbucks in the same plaza. I'm also going to work on a couple work-from-home things to try and create some passive income. I'll have my cashiering job until the day before Christmas. I get my certification, and then I can take the state test in January, which will allow me to charge for massage in my home state. Once I have my licence, I plan to start working for myself. I'll set myself up doing massage in corporate offices. My idea is that I'll set up contracts with about 5 different comanies to come in once a week for two hours. I'll charge each company $200 per week (meaning I work 10 hours a week and make about $1000). I can probably do at least some marketing in December, create a sort of New Year Special where if the company signs up for a one-year contract, they get the first month for free (since I won't be able to charge for January anyhow).
Well, I'll figure things out.
In the meantime, I have work and am making at least some money. I will get more work and thus more money. And then I will get money that doesn't require me to stand all day to earn it. Retail is fun, but feet hurt a lot at the end of the day.
New campain starting soon....maybe we'll have a charater creation session this Friday (since the GM has this Thursday and Friday off, which is kind of unhelpful since I have Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday off). Actually, my character is nearly complete. But I need to get her skills built correctly, and I have spare character points. And I kinda need to write up her backstory. I also need names for her flunkies. (OK, I have a total of 3 names so far, but there are 4 flunkies and all of them need first and last names. I have a nerdy guy (Mark Davidson) who fixes gadgets and stuff; a housekeeper who takes care of cooking, cleaning, and things around the character's home; a driver (James) who takes the character anywhere she needs to go when she doesn't want to take public transportation (or needs to go someplace outside where public transportation can take her); and a handyman who fixes anything the nerdy guy can't fix. Of course, all four of these people have backstory as to why they're good at what they do and how they met up with the character (Makiba Mai). I haven't actually written ANY of the backstory stuff yet. The only one I have anything about at all is that Mark was her neighbor in the first apartment she got when she moved to NYC. Then again, this is beside the point and probably boring to most people.
Need to go grocery shopping too...
Tomorrow will be the day of doing errands. Grocery shopping, laundry, signing up for the test, calling Starbucks (job possibility), organizing things with Mom, running the lease down to the landlord's office, fixing more computer-based things, cleaning my shoes (so I can wear them to work), and making soup.
Wow, tired. I think I need to go to bed early.....
I'll chatter about the time thing from this morning later on, if I remember. Suffice to say Daylight Savings Time confused most of the apartment.

[] The Godfather is a great movie. (never seen it)
[] Your grandmother makes her own sauces.
[] Your last name ends in a vowel.
[x] You know how a real meatball tastes.
[] You know a lot of Italian songs.
[] You have dark hair and dark eye color
[] You speak some Italian.
[x] You are under 5'10''.
[] Pizza is the best food in the world.
[x] You talk with your hands.
Total = 3

[] You say member instead of REmember
[] You speak Spanish.
[] You love rice and beans.
[] YoU TyPe lIkE ThIs On Da CoMpUtEr.
[] You are dark skinned but not black!
[] You know what a Bodega is.
[x] You talk fast. (fast is normal for where I live.)
[x] Had highlights or dyed your hair.
Total = 2

[] you say villain as: Vee-lon
[x] you get cold easily
[] you get short tempered
[x] white white skinned
[] you are athletic
[] snow is fun for you
[] You get into contests often
[x] You can easily make due with the cold weather (I don't have to like it, but I do have to deal with it.)
Total = 3

[x] You have a bad temper.
[] Your last name starts with a Mc OR Murph or O' or Fitz or ends with a ly, on, un, ry, yn . . .
[x] you have blue or green eyes.
[x] You like the color green.
[x] You have been to a St. Patty's day party.
[x] You never had a hangover.
[x] You have family from Ireland. (my mom's side of the family came from Ireland about a century ago or so)
Total = 6

[] You say nigga/nukka casually
[] You have nappy hair
[] You like rap
[x] You talk with slang
[] You know how to shoot a gun
[] You think President George W. Bush is racist
[] You like fried chicken
[x] You love watermelon
Total = 2

[] you love RICE
[x] you are smart
[x] you have played the piano
[] you have family from asia
[] you have tiny feet
[x] you laugh sometimes covering your mouth
[] you call hurricanes typhoons
Total = 3

[x] You like bread
[X] You think American Chocolate would be better with less Sugar
[] You don't drink your soda without ice
[x] You Speak German {eine kline} (not much)
[?] You know what Schnitzel is (I'm pretty sure it's a certain type of food. Have to double-check, though)
[] You are Lutheran
[x] You hate it when stupid people call you a Nazi
[x] You went to Kindergarten (which translates to "child garden")
[]you're 5' 10" or over
Total = 5.5

[] You like hockey
[] You love beer
[x] You say "eh?"
[x] You don't believe war is the answer
[] You know what poutine is
[] You speak some french
[] You love Tim Horton's
[] At one point you lived in a cabin
Total = 2

[] You're obsessed with guns, whether hobby or security, or even both
[] You sit your ass on the History Channel to watch more WW2 stuff
[] Fancy-Schmancy imports are difficult to deal with.
[] Everything's gotta be about honor and patriotism with you
[] You're more the kinda person to be in the communes than in those big cities
[] You do the pledge of allegiance wholeheartedly instead of having to
[] The Declaration of Independence is worth dying for
[] You still have feelings for losing only one war in America's history, Vietnam
Total = 0
I guess I'm Irish/German. Gee, supprisingly accurate, actually.

plans, errands, assorted, job

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