What's up with all these movies I want to see all of a sudden?
I mean, yeah, I know there's always a "summer blockbuster" season. But usually 90% of those are big dumb movies I have no interest in. For some reason, this summer it seems like a majority of them are big dumb movies that I have frothing fanboy interest in.
First off, I missed the opening of Iron Man last week due to being out of town, and everyone's saying it's actually really quite good, so I think I need to see that.
akiko is currently trying to decide if she has time to see it soon given the crazy costuming deadline she just sprung on herself; if not I may be trolling for anyone else who still wants to see it this weekend since going to movies by yourself is kind of boring.
Then we have Speed Racer which just opened. I'm pretty sure it's pretty stupid, but it seems like the kind of thing that there wouldn't be much point watching on a *small* screen, so hmm. And this coming Friday is Prince Caspian, which akiko wants to go see. And the week after that is the new Indiana Jones which, well, duh.