
Sep 21, 2009 15:29

Haven't written here in a while. So here's a little of everything.

Yesterday - went to Mo's birthday party. It was fun! In addition to the usual suspects we got to see Heather and Brandon, who I haven't seen in ages, before they disappear off to Tennessee. Also re-met some of Mo and Nolan's other awesome friends who I've met once or twice before, maybe. And we played some Beatles Rock Band and it was pretty good. And David made tasty drinks.

Saturday - They Might Be Giants concert at the NC Art Museum's outdoor venue. Fortunately the weather, which had been threatening drizzle, was actually fantastic. The Giants did a lot of their usual concert standbys (which I'm not complaining about, since their usual standbys are awesome) and a few things off their recent kid-oriented albums. We got both Why Does the Sun Shine (The Sun is a Mass of Incandescent Gas) and the new correction off the Here Comes Science album, The Sun is a Miasma of Incandescent Plasma. Relatedly, anyone with access to a grade-school kid should buy the new Science album - it comes with videos for every song; they're great and sciency!

Also, it's about Fall now, which means suddenly a bunch of video games are all coming out at once. Right now I'm playing two things. Scribblenauts for DS is an insanely ambitious little game which lets you write darn near any noun you could possibly think of (excluding the Proper, Copyrighted, or Rude) and create it in a 2D environment. Then it gives you little puzzles to solve, with points awarded for fewer object and originality. Given the scope, it pulls it off pretty well. The breadth of objects is amazing. The physics is a little touchy (as its bound to be when it has to accommodate such arbitrary stuff) and the control scheme could use some polish, but you get by. The opportunities for hilarity, both intentional and not, are manifold.

The other game is Katamari Forever on PS3, which is basically a greatest hits of old Katamari levels upgraded to HD graphics and with some new gameplay modes. It also includes a bunch of stuff from the Xbox edition I never played. Pretty much more of the same, but I haven't had my ROLLING fix in a while so I"m enjoying it.

{+} Whoa, Okami sequel(?) for DS: http://bit.ly/y8CZV 09/01
{+} Steampunk Star Wars folks from Dragon*Con: http://community.livejournal.com/steamfashion/2043251.html 09/10
{+} And so, I'm having a wonderful time, and I am mowingthelawn in the dark... Mowingthelawn in the dark... 09/13
{+} "Science is Real" off the new #TMBG album is basically a kid-friendly version of the "Science: It Works, Bitches" t-shirt. 09/14
{+} For the "oh, Japan..." files: http://bit.ly/10AiRj 09/16 (kissing practice game for iPhone)
{+} Just stopped to move a turtle out of the road before he got run over... 09/19 (might manage to upload a picture of him later)
{+} Limited edition D&D Jones Soda craziness: http://bit.ly/1szcaK Bigby's Crushing Thirst indeed. 9/21
{+} Yet more "oh, Japan". Moe Moe World War II. http://bit.ly/2py5ja (possibly NSFW)

music, games, linkage, export, friends

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