
Aug 31, 2009 14:08

My article from GameSpite Quarterly 2 is now up: Shadow of the Colossus. The "review" is mostly a big tangent; honestly at this point I'm assuming most of the GS audience knows what the game's about, so we're free to explore other avenues. Plus the whole "Best Of" Issue #2 is really all about introspective musings anyway.

At this point I've already pimped the print version enough - anyone still interested follow the GSQ2 link at the bottom of the article. Meanwhile, stay tuned for something completely different next issue! I'm one short article down and three to go on that one.

{+} The "WET" demo on PSN is totally crazy. Put some smiles on my face, but I think the distressed film filter would drive me nuts eventually. 08/22 @ 09:50pm
{+} Standing on the edge of the quarry overlooking town listening to the dulcet tones of Queen's We Will Rock You wafting up from somewhere. 08/23 @ 12:53pm EDT
{+} Today's bike route: 08/23 @ 01:54pm
{+} Friggin' amazingly dexterous robot arm: (via TT) 08/24 @ 09:22am
{+} Crows: so damn smart. 08/24 @ 02:19pm
{+} D*C schedule: All the Trek guest panels and Babylon 5 guest panels conflict. Argh! 08/25 @ 02:53pm
{+} #ProfessorLayton 2 get! Also, GameSpite Quarterly 2 get! Awesomeness all 'round. 08/25 @ 07:00pm
{+} cannot figure out whether the "JEBUS!" plate on the top-down Miata is ironic or serious. 08/26 @ 08:26am
{+} Preordered TMBG's "Here Comes Science" CD/DVD from Amazon for $10, nice deal. I don't own all of their kids' albums, but... Science! 08/29 @ 02:32pm
{+} Oog. why can't anything we actually *want* in our lawn or garden grow like crabgrass? Shit is nucking futz. 08/30 @ 10:52am

writing, games, linkage, export

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