
Jul 17, 2009 15:55

So, I'm trying a new thing. I'm using to deliver summaries of my twitter feed to myself via email, which I'll then use in a more organized attempt to copy and/or expand upon the actually interesting stuff in LJ posts periodically. This should mean there's no reason to follow kirinn_tweets unless you have a burning desire to read probably out-of-date trivia. (Since it's not easy to delete LJ feeds, it'll still exist, but I think I'll take it off my reading page so I won't see comments there).


+ The Thrilling Adventures of Babbage and Lovelace is totally awesome, and i didn't realize there was more of it when i posted earlier. Start at "The Origin", as linked in the sticky post. It's not very long yet. Steampunk Victorian Difference Engine hijinks! What could be better?

+ I discovered that the world's most laid-back groundhog is eating my morning glories. May update with a picture later when I get it off my phone.

+ Me too! It was awesome. (Parket Brothers' Merlin) RT @fredrin: OMG, i had one of these...

Oh, and I saw HP&tHBP. It was... okay? Not my favorite of the movies, but it had its moments. Accurate portrayals of really dumb teen romance. Harry stoned on luck potion. Weird that they left out the Occlumency plot. *shrug*

twitter, comics, nature, linkage, meta, movies

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