Tweet recap

Dec 24, 2008 17:37

More tweets of possible interest from the last recently and earlier in reverse order:

Also - holy crap, the Ok Go treadmills video is in my newest DDR. I had no idea. - 2 minutes ago
Just bought Suikoden 1 for my PS3. Woo. Of course, what I'd really like is Suiko2, but maybe this will help get it (re-)released. - 2 minutes ago
Little Big Planet - Metal Gear Solid add-on content is pretty great. - about 5 hours ago
Battle Angel Alita: LO vol10 has restored my faith in the series. Plot! Characters! Shenanigans! Flan! (Now to wait a year or so for v11) - about 10 hours ago

Oof. Outdoor xmas lights set up. It's cold. New tiny colored LEDs on the cherry tree is nifty, though. - Dec 6th
QOTD: "Any sufficiently analyzed magic is indistinguishable from science!" - Agatha Heterodyne, Girl Genius - Dec 5th
This should be posted to any message-board discussion on what kinds of smut are better off banned: - Dec 3rd
Cool view of the Moon-Venus-Jupiter convergence on the way home from work tonight. - Dec 1st

twitter, comics, holiday, nature, games, politics

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