I rode Teddy today. I can tell has has been getting better schooling rides. We actually managed to canter most of the way around the ring to the right without falling to the inside *too* much. And then, since one of his two lessons was cancelled, I took him out around the perimeter of the property. There is about 40' wide swath of pasture enclosed by electric fencing outside the regular paddocks. Its finally mostly dry and I got permission from the EOM to ride around out there. I knew he was feeling fresh though. I could tell the moment we started walking down the access road. I took some depth breaths. What's the worst that could happen? Its almost 3/4 of a mile around the outside of the paddocks. He is not in good enough shape to go the whole way round. Worst case? He takes off and runs all the way back to the barn. He's not a bucker so I should be able to sit anything he does. Well we trotted/jigged the first side. I stopped him about ten feet from the corner. Took three deep breaths. Sat up, grabbed mane and squeezed him a bit. He saw that open field and took off like the wind. He flat out ran for a good half a mile all the way down the back side and up along half of the next side. And then I sat down and took a breath and said "Woah" and he stopped. He was panting and he seemed pretty proud of himself. I was too for that matter. That's wasn't so bad. In fact it was kind of fun even if my eyes were watering and my ears were half frozen from the wind. Then we walked (mostly quietly) back to the barn. I don't think though I will be doing that with Petra. Her formerly laminitic feet might not appreciate it, even on slightly soggy turf.
In other news, I have oodles of plants I have planted/need to plant/will be planing soon. I have strawberry and asparagus to plant tomorrow after work hopefully. I planted raspberries and privet hedges yesterday. I planted a dwarf Blueberry bush for inside today. I have kiwi and some other stuff to be arriving sometime in the next month. I have oodles of seeds to plant in about two or three weeks time (once I finish screening dirt).
I also picked up
orphanage from the airport today. She is going to be living here for a while to get some job experience for her resume and pay off some student loans. She was living with her aunt but couldn't find a job. She is pretty cool and she's really sweet. She's honest and funny and she is totally stoked to have a real bed and a dresser instead of an air mattress and a suitcase. I can't wait to teach her how to cook. She's already offered to do *any* housework that I ask to be done.
My dad got a new dog two weeks ago. Remy is a "hound mix" who's elegant build, silent presence and shy demeanor bear a striking resemblance to an english pointer.. Remy and Max get along very well and had a blast playing at the dog park together. We even have taken them on a hike together and dropped the leashes to let them run. It was a very secluded area and Max, while enamored of his new friend did come back at least 1/4 of the times I called him. But I think once he gets used to Remy more it will be easier to get him to listen.