Title: Tribute
Author: kiriga
Fandom: Air Gear/Airmyu
Character/Pairing: Kazu, Spitfire, Sano
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: Sorry, not Oh! Great.
Note: 379 words
I. Hate. This. HatehatehatehatehateHATE this! Another drabble Hilda convinced me to save... don't know why...
-If you say we should draw back, then I’ll start by punching you.- And Aeon moved, blocked that bastard’s attack and started going on about how he had figured out how the attack worked. But then it went all the more wrong!
How fucking could you, just leave me here, alone. You were going to talk to me, I’ll never get to know about what now. Why did you do this? At least you could’ve taken me with you. But no, leave little, weak Kazu back here, and go and get yourself killed! I know I couldn’t have done anything, but why leave me here with your regalia? Did you really mean that you chose me to be your successor? I’m just a kid, with no power. How could I possibly become the next flame king?
You bastard! You just left, like that. Both of you. You both looked after me, trained me. What was that for? Did you really think that I will beat Nike, when he killed you so easily? Don’t leave those expectations with me, I can’t handle it! You chose the wrong guy!
You know, even if I sounded, and still sound, like I didn’t like you, I do. You were both my idols, so awesome as I would ever want to be. Even though Aeon were a freakin’ homo paedophile, and you a weirdo with a bad attitude, I respected you, and still does, don’t dare doubt about that in the afterlife! You were nice guys, and I’m happy to have known and fought against you.
I’ll do my best, I will revenge you guys, and Gorgon as well. Even if I’ll die doing it, I’ll make sure Nike will suffer for what he’s done. Ikki’ll take care of Sora, I’m sure of that, so don’t worry. It will be hard, and it will probably take a long time, but we will fight! And win! Look down on us from heavens, keep watching as you’ve done this far. I will take care of your treasures and your thoughts and everything else, though it will be though. But I’ll make it somehow, trust me. There will be no more victims like you.
So rest in peace, or whatever. I’ll never forget you guys.
- Kazu