(no subject)

Feb 07, 2011 16:13

Bored borebored bored.

At work and finished with everything I can get done for the next... 20-ish minutes until the data comes off the machines. It's making me sleepy so I figured I'd make a post instead of zonking out on my desk like I want to.

I haven't been very good about updating lately. Same old routine mostly. Work and home and sleep and back to work. I need to dos something and adventurous soon or I'm gonna go into a coma. Shopping in Pittsburgh next weekend counts as an activity, right? I might even get some Indian food.

I'm joining a new RP cause the lastest one I joined a couple months ago seems like it's dying already. I was late getting my first app in and the character got sniped. Meh. I'm countering with bartender Akutsu who will be a more fun character to play anyway. His muse is pretty well developed since I've playing him a few things before. He's bored too.

I'm very determined that this weekend I will finally be buying a flatscreen. I've narrowed down the ones I want and one of them should be in stock at Best Buy for under $600. Fingers crossed. I'm tired of the static and I haven't played any concole games for awhile cause I'm tired of sitting on the floor in front of the 13" screen. Not to mention that I still haven't touched the PS3 that I got on Black Friday cause I can't connect it to my current tv.

Aaaand I've still got at least ten mins to kill. Dum de dum...

I loved the new car commercial that's been airing lately with the itty bitty Darth Vader trying to use the force on stuff. So cute! I've been on a Star Wars kick for a couple weeks now and that ad was icing on the cake to feed me. :D I bought the Jedi Apprentice book series off ebay last night which is meant for 9-12 year olds but I don't care because it's about Obi-Wan's training with Qui-Gon starting when he was 12 which is one of the things I've become really interested in. There's a lot of other kids series about him that I didn't know existed before.

Obi-Wan is my hero.

star wars, fandom, bored, food, roleplay

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