and another year...

Apr 30, 2013 03:08

Wow. I am now less than a week away from no longer being a twenty-something. I will complete my third decade on Sunday. o.O Dude.

In other news, it's also been stupidly long since I last posted, but I'll fix that later. Like when it's not stupid-o'clock in the morning and I don't need to have been in bed three hours ago. *headdesk* On the other hand, I have lots of super cool stuff to talk about at this fictional later date.

Also also, I believe I have a suitably obnoxious solution to what promises to be @#*&$*&^#$ heat at Beltane. It's orange. Kind of.

I should sleep. And eat something. I think I mostly forgot to do that today (yesterday?). That was dumb.

fail, not dead, sewing, sca, birthday

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