In which I attend a most fabulous Seder

Mar 30, 2010 17:00

Passover Seder at Na'arah's last night was really great. It had been too long since I'd had a chance to go to a Seder. The company was wonderful (and numerous!), the food was plentiful and delicious, and the Seder service was especially interesting given that every Seder I had attended previously had been hosted by my UU church. I was also thrilled to be able to eat the charoset without having an allergic reaction (me + raw apple = itchy mouth): apparently the Sefardic charoset is orange-based, as opposed to the apple-based Ashkenazi version which was the only one I had ever had. I think blackberry chicken and sweet potato kugel are two of my new favorite foods. I already knew that I adore matzah-ball soup.


On a completely different subject: Remember that drabble offer I posted about a month back? I still have six slots available, so I'm still taking requests. For those of you who have already made requests, don't worry, I haven't forgotten. They'll happen.

fanfic, life

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