planning and other stuff

Aug 30, 2009 11:01

My brother and I sat down yesterday to do some basic preliminary planning and goal sketching. I have a lot less to figure out than I thought I did, which is nice. What I have on my To-Do list, though, is stuff that seems pretty big from my standpoint. I need to make a master resume, which will make my life much easier as I'm applying for jobs, I need to actually apply for jobs, and I need to decide which housing possibility would be better for me.

For the housing, I have two choices, both in San Jose:

One is with an old friend whose parents own the house. He's doing paramedic training right now, and has been back in California for about two weeks. I've known him for about eleven years. We're both huge anime geeks, and he has a cat. He's also interested in the SCA. I don't know what the rent would be yet.

The other possibility is a house with three other female musicians, all vocalists, two of whom go to SJSU. The house belongs to one of their parents. I went over to see the room on Tuesday and ended up staying for three hours just talking with them. There are also two cats in residence. The rent would be $750 for a room with a private bathroom.

housing, job hunt

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