I found my floor! (and desk, and bed...)

Aug 20, 2009 14:57

My room is now no longer claustrophobia-and-broken-ankle-inducing, thanks to four hours of work this morning and yesterday with a professional organizer. The floor is mostly clear, the bed is fully visible, and the top of the desk actually exists! Next step: the Closet of DOOOOOOOOOOM! It feels really good to have the room livable again, even if I (hopefully) won't be living there much longer.

On a completely different subject, I played with salmon a couple of nights ago. I got 2.75 lbs of wild Coho salmon for $10/lb and decided to cook it en papillote with white wine, tarragon, olive oil, a little bit of garlic, and a pinch of salt. It came out superb, even if I did forget the salt in three of the packets because I was teaching our Spanish exchange student how to do it.

Yeah, she's been here for almost a week, and she's so sweet. She's still adjusting to the huge time difference between here and Madrid, and there have been a lot of things she and Mom have had to deal with to get her registered at the high school here, but she's been a really good sport about it. I took her yesterday to get a cell phone she can use while she's in America, and there was a huge delay while they tried to sort out a problem with her phone. She was so patient, even though she was bored waiting. I was bored waiting, too.

In other news, I win. That is all.


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