
Mar 30, 2009 17:23

So, even though I've had a little over a week for this to sink in, I've still gotta say it: OMG, I'm a Baroness! The dress was barely finished on time (I finished hemming it around noon the day I wore it), but it looked amazing! I got so many compliments on it (Kate did an fantastic job) and my rabbit-fur tippets got petted a lot. Yes, white rabbit-fur tippets. (Tippets are the dangly sleeve-things that were popular in the late 14th century.) And Tom was at Crown, so I got to see him and spend time with him and it was good. Oh, and he bought me a plaque belt from Raymond's Quiet Press at Estrella. *dies* I have been drooling over those belts for a couple of years, but they're not cheap. And now I have one and it is gorgeous. You can see it here (it's the six-petaled rose design, silver-plated).

Oh, and Tempest played at the casino this past Saturday night. I danced the whole night! Yes, I hurt now. Yes, it was totally worth it.

As far as today goes, this morning sucked (I missed an exam and spent about half an hour crying really hard for not much reason), but the rest of the day has been decent. I love my housemate Patty. She is made of awesome, and I'm really going to miss her when she graduates.

sca, school, music, life, tom

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