Tempest! Woo!

Jan 24, 2009 20:35

Yeah, Tempest played up here last night, and it was a blast (as usual). I danced the entire first set, but partway into the second set, I tripped over myself and ended up on my butt on the dance floor. Majorly embarrassing, plus I managed to twist my left foot just enough to not be able to dance for the rest of the night. ;.; Still, the concert was awesome, especially since, while I was still dancing, I had a dance partner. He was down from Oregon to see Tempest and he showed me how to do his style of footwork, which is different from mine; I picked it up quickly and had a great time keeping up with him. Until I tripped over myself, of course. But yeah, lots and lots of fun.

Oh, and I can't remember if I've said anything about it here, but I'm going to be competing with my friend Tom (not my Tom) at Lupercallia next Saturday. Lupe is the yearly event that Allyshia holds to determine the next Baron and Baroness in a three-fold competition: combat, map-making and chronicling. I'm doing the chronicling, which I'm hoping to be able to present orally. I'm in the middle of writing a terza rima on the past year's events - it's at nine stanzas and counting. I'm going to have to memorize it, regardless of the presentation method, since we're not allowed to bring anything in with us to the competition except supplies. I'll be taking my calligraphy stuff, as well, just in case.

Oh, yeah, and we may be having to move. Suck. I don't want to, but our landlady is trying to sell the house, so we'll see how it goes.

sca, housing, music

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