another New Year

Jan 07, 2009 19:44

New Year's in Fresno with Tom was good. Got a bit of my calligraphy project done, went to the New Year's party at the House of Sin, saw Na'arah get her Pelican and attended a period poetry class at Twelfth Night, went duck hunting with Tom, his dad, his sister and her fiance. Got to see my aunt for a couple of hours between my return to MV and her departure back to Portland.

I've still got a lot of stuff on my plate that I need to figure out, but I'm getting there (gradually). One of those things will be taken care of tomorrow morning: driver's license. Yes, my friends, I am finally getting the stupid thing, presuming I pass the driver's test, of course. This should make a couple of things easier, like finding a job for the summer, which I really need to do. Ideas anyone?

As far as getting back up to school, I'm (hopefully) going to be driving up with my brother next Wednesday, me driving most or all of the way there and him driving back the next day.

Oh! On a wonderfully happy note for those in the Gundam Wing fandom, the amazing Sunhawk just put out the latest installment of the Ion Arc. Yes! You read that right! Sunhawk actually updated Ion! *dances* And it is fabulous. Er, which reminds me of that fic I'm doing for her... Yeah, gotta work on that... In other fandom-related news, I've decided to participate in the latest round of the HPRWFQF. Because the world needs more Harry/Ron.

And on that note, love you all! Muah!

sca, school, fandom, driving, tom

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