
Jul 06, 2008 16:30

So, I actually practiced driving... a little. I drove home from grocery shopping yesterday. Um, go me?

I may not be going to Family Camp this year, in favor of going to Idaho with Tom and family for rafting, depending on how things work out planning-wise. I have to be on Orcas Island (in Washington) on July 29th for a family reunion, which is what makes things interesting for planning. I really hope it works out, cause I miss him a lot.

Gaia poetry contests may yet be the death of me, at least if my friend Zero is involved. I'm in a five-round competition, the second round of which finished last night, and we're awaiting the cuts from this round. Twenty-five started, with five being eliminated each round. We get our assignment for the round and our deadline, usually about a week later, and then we must produce a poem. The last one was killer: free verse, using the words "extrapolate," "fervid" and "wherewithal," and a metaphor relating to wisdom teeth. *dies* I finished it. Barely. I don't particularly like it (I liked the previous round's product much better), but I did it. Here's hoping it's enough to get me to the next round.

poetry, driving, tom

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