art meme

Sep 30, 2007 23:13

So, I spent much of this afternoon doing a nifty art meme that I found on dA. I had a lot of fun doing it, and these things must, after all, be shared. Go here to see it! If you have the inclination, do it yourself. If you do it, I want to see!

The rains have started for the season, and it's not quite October yet, though it will be tomorrow. *checks time* Okay, in about an hour. This is not going to make carrying instruments back and forth to school very fun. I started playing my horn again, and we're rotating instruments in Brass Techniques, so I'm playing trombone now. Learning slide positions is not going to be easy...

The countdown to October Crown continues. Less than two weeks now. Let's hope I actually find a ride. *sigh* I really don't want to miss seeing Tom.

art, music

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