Sep 15, 2008 15:02
Oh man the new macs in the design labs are freaking gorgeous. I think they're all at least 22" screens, too. *drooool*
Right. Well. It seems that me and Corinne have figured out the secret of our abstract painting class -- load up your brush, clear your mind, close your eyes, and flail at the paper, while preparing meaningful speeches about light dapples and whatnot. I'unno, it seems to work. Although Corinne seems to have this unnatural hunch that Thorpe doesn't like her. XDDD
Oh, also, I got to research the occult/I'ching-DNA relation for class - which, aside from getting bonus points from the teacher because it's his omg-favoritest-theory-EVAR, is an absolutely amazing correlation in itself. Oh, I'Ching/binary code/genetic codons/cabala/Hebrew Old Testament/prophesies about creation language & genetic engineering in the bible. <3
I think I've thrown off my sleep schedule, lately. Stayed up until 3 am friday night, passed out from 9 pm to 9am saturday through sunday, and then fell asleep again at 3 am last night. Might have been all the rain, oh well.
Dunno what to do about heading home this weekend. We technically have a cookout, but I'm worried about my homework load (there's no way I can stay at home all weekend. No way. I'll get nothing done), and the possibility of when these possible receptionist shifts at the school might be. Plus, they're inviting students to paint murals on the fences surrounding the construction site for the new school dorms.
a genius is me,