Fiction blue balls

Feb 21, 2007 13:13

Watched "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest" last night. Way to open up a shitload of storylines and not resolve anything! In general it was kinda fun, but there was way too much screwing around and not enough shit getting done. I did rather like the wavering heart of the heroine, though - I’ve always liked the quandary of being undecided about what kind of life to choose, what sort of person to be, and the curiosity born of a lack of knowledge about all the paths one can choose. I can kind of relate.

Other than that, today’s the big corporate schmoozing day. The guests should be arriving between 4 and 5 PM today, so before then I need to get an idea of what I should do with them - whether to give them a brief tour or not, where and with whom to take them to dinner, what time we need to return to get things prepped for the manufacturing run... I’m SO not used to this! Since I’m a lackey, I only occasionally come along on the outings with guests, and I never plan them. Hopefully since these are all going to be R&D types like me, we’ll have some good common ground and they’ll forgive any faux pas I make as I attempt to step into a different role.

Wish me luck!!!

business, socializing, fiction, movie

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