(no subject)

Nov 27, 2005 23:25

A few days late, but...

The Friday Five for November 25, 2005 - Turkey Talk

1. On what day do you celebrate Thanksgiving?
I don't. I'm what's known in international circles as Australian... [We don't like thanking people]...
2. How do you traditionally celebrate this food filled holiday?
See above. If still confused... meh. Doesn't matter.
3. How do you like your stuffing cooked (in the bird, separately in a dish, store bought, etc.)?
I used to love chicken stuffing - it was the best part, my favourite part, and for awhile it was the only part my parents could get me to eat. But now I don't eat it very much at all. I just... don't like it as much. That said, Geoff Janz (sp?) make an awesome-looking stuffing that you cook separately the other day on "Fresh". I might look it up some time and give it a go.
4. What is your favorite dessert [to eat on Thanksgiving] and who makes it?
I have the sweetest tooth in the world, so I have lots of favourite desserts, but one of them would have to be my Aunty's Apple Crumble. Lots of apple pieces underneath, lightly toasted sugary oat crumble on top. After numerous tries, I still can't make it taste the same :)
5. Can you name five things you are thankful for?
* My family.
* My friends.
* Being able to read in a way that transports me to completely different places.
* Good food.
* Sugar and many consumables made from sugar.

Heh. My parents spent last night and today hanging out with Jel and I, which was cool. I went shopping, was encouraged to buy a new top, did so. Pretty top :)

Going back to Friday for a moment, had a great night out with a gang of friends from my old Japanese class - Drinks at the Elephant and Wheelbarrow, then dinner on Bourke St. We don't do it very often, so when we do it's a real treat. Had a very late night and got a very mild sleep-in on Saturday... but I enjoyed the entire weekend as a whole, fantastic fun.

This week I get to be run-around girl and do lots of errands and clean up stuff. Yay! Have to start getting my resume into order and send out applications.

Right now I'm sitting up watching The Fifth Element on TV for what must be the 30th time. Watching Chris Rock as Ruby Rodd is always interesting, because sometimes I like him and sometimes I don't. It vacillates between a "spaz-overacting-alert" and an appreciation for his ability to be even wilder on film than he appears to be in real life.

And speaking of films, anyone else hear about the AFIs? I don't know the whole story, but I would've preferred that Justine Clarke win instead of Cate Blanchett. I liked Clarke's performance in Look Both Ways much more than Blanchett's in Little Fish.

Either way though, I think this year has been a win for Aussie film. Some great films have come out, some great performances, some thought-provoking stuff on the screen. Someone pointed out that Wolf Creek was overlooked. Not having seen it myself (I even coined a new phrase to describe it and other such films - "Gorror" (Gore-horror)), I can't say, but it does seem to have put us back on the map - if only on the Genre map.

Ah. Tired now :) I hope everyone has a good week...

weekend, friday five, family, film, friends

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