Mar 10, 2004 16:23
i just talked with my roommate, christine, about the apt for the fall. the lady who owns the place is coming back for the summer, but i'd love to have this place back for the fall when i start full-time at calhoun. i told christine that i am interested, and she said she is thinking about getting it back as well. i'm not sure what my next move should be. here's the thing. we pay the exact same in rent, yet christine has a door on her nice big bedroom, and i am living in a doorless den with a paper screen for privacy. i must must must have a door on my room, one way or another. part of me feels like i should ask about switching rooms, but she might not be willing. alternatively, i could see about getting some kind of temporary wall (the screen doesn't count) installed, but still i feel like i shouldn't be entirely responsible for the cost. ugh. i dunno. i am in a weird situation, because my name isn't on the lease; i've just been writing checks to christine. when we decided all this stuff in the beginning, i was pretty passive and didn't demand much of anything, because i felt lucky and (perhaps stupidly) felt like she'd done me some big favor in getting me this room for so cheap on such short notice. but more and more i've been feeling like a sucker. the question is, can i un-suckerize myself at this point? advise me, friends.