The Wizardly Ways of Ninomiya Kazunari (Chapter 21)

Nov 01, 2022 20:18

Hi there, I am trying my best to get back to regular writing. I might do something for December, but I don’t think I will be able to do something with daily posting.
Please give me prompts and I try to come up with a system (maybe something for each Sunday, the 6th and the Christmas days?)
I want to finish up some stories, and finish the prompts for Sicktember as well. And now I started on Comfortember but those prompts I want to use for my usual stories or continuations…

So here is the first prompt: Hugs

Ohno had left Nino after a few more shared kisses and cuddles to get ready for the day. He had told the younger man that he wanted some fresh air and Nino had accepted that excuse easily. He had stayed in his room for a moment longer, his eyes closed and trying to work out how he felt. It was a bit confusing right now that Ohno’s calm presence was gone but with another few deep breaths, he managed to entangle the thoughts that were his and what was Jun’s. He groaned as he climbed out of bed. He knew Ohno was giving him and Jun space, and he wanted to talk to the other, he really did, but he supposed a shower would be in order first.

His hair was still slightly wet as he walked into the kitchen with slow steps. Nino stopped at the door, watching as Jun moved around his kitchen with ease. The strain on his shoulder was gone much to Nino’s delight and even if he could tell that Jun was still sad about the break-up and worked up about their fight, Nino could tell. And he felt a bit similar.

A small smile was on his face as he stepped in, to peek around Jun to see what he was doing. “Is this breakfast for me?”

Jun almost jumped and Nino chuckled, even if he felt slightly bad. He didn’t want to scare him.

“I hope so at least,” Jun said and shrugged him off. “Sit down there is tea.”

“No coffee for me?” Nino asked with a pout.

“I don’t think you should drink coffee in your current state,” Jun mumbled and put down the breakfast. Nino felt a bit ill at the thought of eating, but it was easier when Jun sat down as well and divided the meals into two plates, moving one in front of Nino.

Nino thanked him and then started on his rice when he felt Jun’s eyes on him with a grimace. It had been like that when they lived together as well. Jun silently forced some food into him.

“How are you feeling?”

“Groggy,” Nino said truthfully and took a sip of the tea. He chuckled when he realised it was ginger tea to settle his stomach and with a sigh, he put it down. “Hey Jun.”

“What is it?”

“Are you still mad at me?”

“I wasn’t…” Jun stopped when Nino looked at him and shook his head. “Okay, I was mad. But not for long,” he mumbled. He regretted it soon enough but then was too stubborn that Nino felt the way he did. He knew now that it was stupid and childish, but he couldn’t change it now.

“I am sorry for being so blunt,” Nino said and wrinkled his nose remembering that stupid phone call. He had not been the nicest that day, but he felt pushed to a corner.

“I shouldn’t have pushed you so much. It was hard to not tell me anything.” Jun sighed and put his chopsticks down, as he looked Nino in the eyes. “I think I should be thankful that you didn’t lie to me.”

“I would never,” Nino said in a small voice. He hated lying, to begin with, and even more if it was to his friends.

“I know.”

Nino looked away as he felt his cheeks heating up and hid his face in his hands. Why was he so easily embarrassed some days?

“Headache?” Jun said and Nino groaned as he could detect the teasing in Jun’s voice easily.

He pouted and ignored him as he stuffed some more food into his mouth, ignoring the giggle from Jun. The other man had gotten back to his usual self faster than Nino would have thought, but he couldn’t deny that he was happy about it.

He sighed as he finished his food and took the cup between his hands to drink it in slow sips as Jun stood and cleared the table.

“If I see anything float by I will hit you,” he warned and Nino grimaced as he stuck out his tongue.

“Ohno forbid me to use any until he says it’s okay after yesterday, so I won’t.”

“Whipped huh?”

Nino snorted and shrugged. “Totally,” he said, smiling when Jun laughed. He shook his head and waited until Jun’s eyes were off him. He rubbed his face as he felt tired slowly. His mind went back to the last few days, to the tears and sorrow he felt and Jun had felt as well.

Nino stood and went closer to Jun, being as silent as he could be which was easy since Jun was always so concentrated on the things he did, that he was all focused on the dishes. Nino bit his lips to not giggle at how cute he found that characteristic.

His eyes darted to the clock for a moment, he could tell that Ohno would come home very soon. It was surprising that the older man left them for almost an hour already, but Nino knew that it was the most Ohno could do if he was with him whenever Nino had to work the day before. The fear of losing one another didn’t allow anything else easily.

Nino took the last step between him and Jun and then managed to engulf Jun in a hug. Jun tensed for a second as always when someone came close from behind but Nino was proud of the fact that Jun always was so quick to relax whenever he realised that it was Nino who was behind him. Not even Ohno managed that and in Nino’s mind, Ohno was the most calming person in existence.

“Thank you for being you,” Nino whispered and allowed Jun to move around and hug Nino as well.

“Stupid brat.”

“Always,” Nino giggled, looking up when there was a chuckle coming from the door. He smiled at Ohno who watched them with a fond smile and crossed arms.

“Brotherly love,” Ohno hummed his voice warm and soft. “The best love huh?”

Nino held out his hand at those words and Ohno took it easily kissing his cheek. “And as sad as I feel for having to tear you apart but I think you should go back to bed.”

Nino pouted but Jun agreed with a click of his tongue as he ruffled Nino’s hair and realised that his face was slightly warm.

“I agree.”

“Stay,” Nino whined and Jun rolled his eyes while Ohno took over the hug and picked Nino up.

“Jun will have to go home at some time,” he reminded him gently. “But I’m sure he will stay until you will wake up again,” he looked at Jun for confirmation, who nodded and tweaked Nino’s nose.

“Whiny brat. I’ll wait.”

Nino grinned and allowed Ohno finally to bring him into their bedroom, holding him close to his lover until he fell sleep, after being forced to drink another potion.

c: ninomiya kazunari, l: chaptered, fanfiction, r: pg, p: ninomiya kazunari/ohno satoshi, t: the wizardly ways of ninomiya kazunar, c: matsumoto jun, comfortember 2022, c: ohno satoshi

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