Break Down of DVDs I want to Buy

Aug 08, 2007 15:52

Now with all these series getting licensed I want to budget what I want to buy. After all I am a poor graduate student so I have to be careful:

These are just estimations:

1) Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya- 2 DVDs Left about $40.00 will be done collecting by winter

2) Mushishi- 5 DVDs Left about $100.00 will be done collecting by summer

3) Saiunkoku- There will be 9 DVDs for this series but I have decided to collect only the first 4 (since Geneon was nice enough to do the breakdown.) Most of the episodes I really liked and saved are from the first half of the series. This way I will be done collecting this by January and it will only be about $80.00 and I am still supporting the series somewhat. If and when the second season is licensed I'll worry about that then.

4) Avatar Season 2 Box Set- $50+ comes out in September (I still need my first season back from my friend) D:

5) Honey and Clover- The number of DVDs and when it will be released is unknown. Although I am ecstatic that it has been licensed I actually hope Viz takes their time in releasing this.

6) Gurren-Lagann- Actually I am waiting to see how this ends before I decide to buy it. Although a short shounen action series is a nice change of pace for once. Right now it is a maybe.

So when I break it down it comes to about $270 (not counting H&C and Gurren-Lagann) and I have about $225 in gift certificates. Of course there is also manga and books to consider. There are too many things coming out at once. I was considering One Piece but I can't afford to buy such a long series right now.


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