
Jul 24, 2007 12:11

Well obviously I am back. I had a really good time but of course I didn't get to do half the stuff I had planned. I hung out with Umeko_Pyon and Csakuras and I had a lot of fun with them both.

On Friday I went to the Seki Tomokazu Q&A panel. He was simply amazing, unfotunately I can't say the same for some of his fans but I had a great time at the panel regardless. I didn't get his autograph on Friday because it is pretty much impossible to get an autograph and go to the panel. Luckily I managed to get an autograph on Saturday by unfortunately missing his 2nd panel (after waiting 2 1/2 hours just for the line to start and then standing another hour in line). He signed my Escaflowne boxset and the staff member took a picture. Though since I don't have a digital camera I am not sure how it came out. I also took pictures of Seki at his panel but there will probably be a lot of hands and heads in those pictures. Anyways I wanted to say something meaningful to Seki since he is my favorite seiyuu (along with Kappei Yamaguchi who Seki happens to consider one of his good friends.) However, I was so shy that all I could muster was a thank you. But I am still really happy I got to see him in person.

Someone else who went to the panel did a really great report here: http://sekitomokazu.com/otakon07report.php

I spent considerably less in the dealer room this year than the last two. But I still spent enough
I bought:
Kino's Journey Finally
Inuyasha Tanks 44-48 (specifically Kouga's last appearances. Although this also covered some other character's last appearances and the scenes with Sesshoumaru/Rin/Sess Mom)
Toki Wo Kakeru Shoujo Notebook- Maybe I'll scan some of it later. This sort of consoles me since the movie is still not licensed.
Yuki Figurine~ It's the one w/out glasses which is supposed to be paired up with the Askaura figure seen here http://casters.livejournal.com/9739.html)
This Zuko Bookmark in the artroom: Seen Here http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y15/Kirarakim/zukobookmrk.jpg

Basically besides that I ended up watching a lot of anime. Well I did go get the Harry Potter book Friday night.

Princess Tutu dubbed- I guess this isn't anything really exciting since I saw it before and own the DVDs. But it was still nice to watch it with a group. The sad thing is Csakuras and I got there a little early to watch this silly show called Zoids. The room was filled for this show but it emptied a little when Tutu came on. I did get to see some Tutu cosplayers though. Hopefully my pictures will come out.

Mushishi episodes 1-4 dubbed- And you know what the dub was fantastic. Well I didn't like one part of the first episode but other than that I loved it. Travis was perfect for Ginko. He does sound a little like Roy from FMA but somehow this really fit Ginko.

Saiunkoku epidodes 1-5 dubbed- I was actually really wary about this dub because it is done by Ocean Group who I am sort of iffy on. They've done some okay dubs but they have done some awful ones like Escaflowne and Inuyasha. That being said the dub actually turned out really well. Kelly Sheridan does Shuurei and she does a really good job. In fact I think everyone was pretty well cast. I wasn't so happy with Kouyuu's voice actor but he got better after the first episode. So overall I was pleasantly surprised. There were also a really great Shuurei and Ryuuki cosplayers there.

Oh I also saw a little bit of Rozen Maiden but it's not really my thing.

I don't know if I am just getting more tolerable of dubs but they really seem to be getting a whole lot better

Anyways that was pretty much my weekend. I always feel like I don't do as much as I could but I am always happy with what I do end up doing. If my pictures turn out I'll post them here when they are developed.

And now I have a ton of work to catch up on because of Otakon and Harry Potter


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